Metro Weekly

Elton John trashed for performing at 4th marriage of Rush Limbaugh

”I can tell you that Elton John actually had nothing but nice things to say about Rush Limbaugh and the happy couple. And said that he’s all about tearing down walls and building bridges. And he even invited the happy couple to come visit him and his partner in London, England.

Megyn Kelly of Fox News taking on the women of ABC’s “The View” for not understanding why self-appointed gay spokesman Elton John would perform at Rush Limbaugh‘s latest wedding. Limbaugh, a socially conservative talk show host, has repeatedly mocked gay men with jokes about anal and oral sex, and he supports Proposition 8, California’s anti-gay marriage law. (Fox News via Mediaite)

Sir Elton purposefully entered into a ‘civil partnership’ in 2005; and as some have noted this week, he once said that gays should enter into civil partnerships instead of marriage because, “Marriage is going to put a lot of people off, the word marriage.” Many gay bloggers and gay rights supporters are expressing their dismay at John’s decision to support Limbaugh, many calling him a “sell out” for the $1 million payout. Vanity Fair points out that much of the proceeds from John’s concerts goes to his AIDS foundation. (

”I’m not a fan, but I do wish him well. Which is probably not what he’d do for me, because I’m getting married this week…. We’re excited, except we had to travel a few states to do it legally. So, Rush get’s to do it in his backyard with family and friends, and we would love to do that, too. But they’re on the West Coast, and … thank God for Vermont.”

Actress Amanda Bearse of ”Married With Children” fame, commenting on the ”Joy Behar Show” about this weekend’s marriage of Rush Limbaugh to his fourth wife. (Joy Behar Show / CNN HLN)

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