Metro Weekly

Biographer says: Gay Elton John picked for wedding because Rush Limbaugh is deaf

”Most of all, you want someone you can hear. Limbaugh has been deaf for many years. He can make out speech thanks to a cochlear implant, but not music. What he can do is remember songs from the past. As a young top forty DJ, Rush played Elton John songs a thousand times. He knows them by heart. For him, hiring Sir Elton was not a social statement. It was, I’m pretty sure, the act of a guy who wants to entertain his guests, make his wife happy and dance at his own wedding.”
Zev Chafets, author of a biography about Rush Limbaugh, weighing in on the recent controversy over why Elton John, world-famous gay singer, accepted $1 million to sing at the wedding of Rush Limbaugh. (Wall Street Journal)

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