Metro Weekly

Judge says Arizona needs to continue paying gay domestic partner’s benefits

”Contrary to the State’s suggestion, it is not equitable to lay the burden of the State budgetary shortfall on homosexual employees, any more than on any other distinct class, such as employees with green eyes or red hair.”
Part of a ruling from US District Judge John Sedwick against the state of Arizona. It is reported that the state legislature passed a law that will cut off health benefits for unmarried partners of state employees. Since gay and lesbian couples are completely barred by Arizona law from moving forward into marriage, Judge Sedwick has determined that the law created a situation of illegal discrimination. (AZCentral)

”[The state is making benefits for the partners of its employees available] on terms that are a legal impossibility for gay and lesbian couples…. As a result, (the law) denies lesbian and gay state employees in qualifying domestic partnership a valuable form of compensation on the basis of sexual orientation.”

More of Judge John Sedwick‘s ruling against Arizona‘s legislative move to stop paying health benefits to unmarried partners of state employees. It’s reported here by East Valley Tribune that Sedwick noted that the alleged cost-saving measure was not only unfair, but was negligable: Same-sex couple benefits only account for .27% of the state’s budget for benefits. Heterosexual domestic partner benefits, though, are still destined to be cut off at the end of this year. They do have an alternative option of getting married to continue receiving benefits, but in Arizona, same-sex marriage remains illegal. (East Valley Tribune)

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