Metro Weekly

DC’s gay ”High Heel Race” mentioned in FOX5 report about city waiving security fees

”The National Marathon is not the only event that benefited from the city’s generosity. The organizers of the Cherry Blossom Parade didn’t have to pay for security, and neither did the High Heel Race. Some organizers, like the Carribbean Parade and Festival, were able to tap a fund run by the Homeland Security Agency…. Fees were not waived for June’s Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure, the Memorial Day Parade, as well as Sunday’s Boy Scouts of America Parade down Constitution Ave.”

Reporter Paul Wagner of WTTG/FOX5 questioning why Washington, DC is not collecting fees from some parade and special event organizations which require street closures and security from the Metropolitan Police Department. The popular gay Halloween event known as “The 17th Street High Heel Race” was mentioned briefly for not being required to pay, along with video of last year’s drag queen participants. Ward 1 Councilman Jim Graham stated in the FOX5 report that there are a lot of local special events that are expensive to run — low cost, low budget events that have difficulty generating the fees. Councilman Phil Mendelson is reported to have said arbitrarily deciding who pays and who doesn’t is wrong and that Mayor Adrian Fenty should be held accountable. Both Councilmembers and the Mayor are strong supporters of DC’s LGBT community. (WTTG/FOX5)

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