Metro Weekly

Philadelphia Drag Queen Story Time Sets World Record

The Guinness Book of World Records recognized a Drag Queen Story Time as the largest for an event of this type.

Philadelphia Drag Story Hour – Photo: Visit Philadelphia via The Associated Press

Organizers of a Drag Queen Story Time appear to have set a world record for attendance.

Held on Saturday, June 1, at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, the Story Time was hosted by the Philadelphia Gay News and sponsored by Visit Philadelphia. It drew a crowd of 263 people.

Organizers claim the crowd’s size set a first-ever Guinness World Record in the category. The Guinness Book of World Records website officially cites the event as the current record holder. 

The attempt for the record involved drag queens Brittany Lynn and Morgan Wells, who read to an audience consisting of adults and children. Selections included Hello, Philadelphia! by Martha Day Zschock, ‘Twas the Night Before Pride by Joanna McClintick, Elmer by David Mckee, The Family Book by Todd Parr, and Kevin the Unicorn: It’s Not All Rainbows, by Jessika von Innerebner.

Philadelphia Gay News reported that many attendees learned about the Story Time less than 24 hours in advance, which could have been one of the reasons why no conservative protesters picketed it. Another factor was the time, with the event kicking off at 9 a.m., compared to most Drag Queen Story Times, which occur in the late morning or early afternoon.

Early arrivals had to pass through Constitution Center security, which was on alert in case of threats of violence.

Mark Segal, publisher of Philadelphia Gay News, hailed the Story Time as a success and a victory for freedom of speech and expression. 

“Creating history-making moments like we’ve done today, hosted on land synonymous with our country’s fight for fundamental rights and freedom, serves as a powerful reminder of the resiliency, talent and culture that make up the fabric of our great American city,” Segal said.

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