Metro Weekly

The 2011 Next Generation Awards

Gregory Cendana, Victoria Kirby, Daniel Fredrick O'Neill and Sadie Ryanne Vashti

Victoria Kirby, Daniel Fredrick O’Neill, Sadie Ryanne Vashti and Gregory Cendana
Victoria Kirby, Daniel Fredrick O’Neill, Sadie Ryanne Vashti and Gregory Cendana
(Photo by Todd Franson)

Every generation builds on the accomplishments of those who came before. The rights we enjoy today were secured by the work of the generation before us, just as the equality we achieve in the future will be built upon the work of today.

That future goal – full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people – will be accomplished in large part through the work of the next generation of LGBT leaders, who realize that while we’ve come far, we’ve not yet come far enough.

The Metro Weekly Next Generation Awards recognize the accomplishments of LGBT activists, artists and leaders under the age of 30, as well as encourage their success in the future. From a field of high-achieving nominees, a panel of LGBT leaders representing a broad cross section of the community chose four individuals whose achievements and potential made them truly representative of our community’s next generation. (A full listing of the Next Generation Awards selection panel)

The four honorees – Gregory Cendana, Victoria Kirby, Daniel Fredrick O’Neill and Sadie Ryanne Vashti – have shown that with drive and dedication they can make a difference in the lives of others. And they’ll keep making a difference, for this generation and the next.

The 2011 Next Generation Awards Panel Daniel Frederick O'Neill Victoria Kirby Sadie Ryanne Vashti Gregory Cendana 2011 Next Generation Awards

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