Metro Weekly


  • Living Art

    by Shawn Davis by Fay Kelley by Susannah Sayler by Michael Sprouse by Charles R. Gaynor by Dominique Samyn-Werbrouck For the past decade, the Art...

  • Tactile Impressions

    ''He might be the best-known artist no one knows, '' David C. Levy, Director of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, says of J. Seward Johnson,...

  • Call to Arts

    With 27 in the downtown area alone, it's amazing that most people never notice them. Standing there empty and impotent like silent sentinels whose days...

  • Diamond Life

    Call it a rainbow flag connection, but feast your eyes on these earthly wonders. The Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History's Splendor of Diamonds brings together...