Metro Weekly


  • Night Beat

    A few years ago, Shea Van Horn performed at night on the National Mall as part of the Hirshhorn Museum's After Hours programming. Next Thursday,...

  • Blood Feud

    Flying back to the U.S. with her Danish wife in July, Mary Coble was welcomed – albeit politely – with some institutional homophobia. So many...

  • Alien Visitation

    Right now, Washington is awash with tourists. They're trying to take in too much in too little time, and will end up getting at least...

  • Satirical Artistry

    ''I've done several paintings and have somewhat of an obsession with American Gothic by Grant Wood,'' says artist Zade Ramsey, who repeatedly traveled to see...

  • Punk-Funk D.C.

    Did you know? Washington, D.C., circa the 1980s was a hotbed of pop music, helping germinate two very distinct strands of sound. There was hardcore...

  • By Design

    Douglas Burton has spent well more than a decade focused on showcasing and celebrating the latest designs and designers. ''I'm passionate about design, and I...

  • Science As Art

    Tobias Klein is not one of those people who argue that modern society has become too obsessed with technology. ''Our electronic environment is becoming part...

  • Homoerotic Tendencies

    ''It's time for the Corcoran to reach out more consciously to LGBT audiences,'' says Bernard Welt, a professor of art and humanities at the Corcoran...

  • Up Close and Monumental

    ''When this opportunity started to develop, to really get great access at the Cathedral, and make some new images, I just sort of...

  • Art as Politics

    ''When do I get to vote on YOUR marriage?'' That's the question posed on a rainbow-bedecked T-shirt worn by one older, presumably gay, white man,...

  • Diva Delights

    ''We've nicknamed it the Beef Jerky Dress around here,'' laughs Kathryn Wat, chief curator at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. She's referring...

  • Native Gold

    ''If people are in Olympics withdrawal and they want to follow up on a bit of the history,'' says James Ring Adams, ''this is a...

  • Abstract Influence

    ''To me, it's one of the finest series of American paintings made during the 20th century,'' says the Corcoran's Philip Brookman, referring to the late...

  • Bead-decked

    Some people spruce up used cars with a simple paint job. But paint has nothing on bright glass beads. ''People are really, really intrigued by...

  • Frida's Photos

    Sometimes it pays to be a sister city. Right now in Arlington, for instance, you can see a collection of Frida Kahlo's photographs, never before...