Metro Weekly


  • Jewish Soupçon

    ''I think if one were to ask Andy Warhol about the impact he's had on Josh Kornbluth in finding his Jewish identity, he would be...

  • Fresh Perspective

    It's commonly known that acclaimed 20th century American artist Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986) was married to photographer Alfred Stieglitz during the early rise of her career...

  • Art and Industry

    Ever seen an SUV in an art exhibit? ''He has encased it in hand-welded aluminum,'' says Craig Applebaum referring to Shlomo Harush's use of a...

  • Renaissance Man

    You may know Dylan Davis, Cobalt bartender and promoter. Or Dylan Davis, Universal Gear model. This weekend, you can see another side to the popular...

  • Viral Campaign

    Sometimes advertising becomes art. Case in point: Andy Warhol's iconic Campbell's Soup cans. Thinking broadly, Jeff McElhaney's advertising campaigns of the 1980s and '90s might...

  • Exposure to Art

    Local artist Frank Muzzy is literally exposing himself for this year's Art for Life, the annual Whitman-Walker Clinic art auction benefit. A noted painter of...

  • Art with Heart

    More than 70 artists are featured in the Whitman-Walker Clinic's 14th Annual Art for Life auction, which benefits the clinic's Latino services. ''It's an eclectic...

  • Facial Expressions

    You probably know their names. You may even personally know some of the 28 people featured in the Rainbow History Project's new exhibit of portraits,...

  • Erley Light

    Since March 10, the tone at Long View Gallery (1302 Ninth St. NW; 202-232-4788) has been set by painter Gerard Erley, whose show Poetic Landscape...

  • With Feeling

    Andrew Hudson's life has always revolved around art. The native of Birmingham, England, who ended up in Washington in 1965, has painted, studied, taught and...

  • Life Savers

    While art may be famously hard to define, in the case of Art for Life it's easy to define it as a lifesaver. Over 12...

  • Zee and Be Seen

    Rob Vander Zee creates images that may elicit a number of different responses. He offers landscapes sensual and serene. Pensive portraits may leave a viewer...

  • Art With Heart

        From tsunamis to earthquakes, hurricanes to mudslides, the past year has been rough. Those in a position to donate may feel tapped out....

  • Past to Present

    When you see Michael Wichita's photography, chances are you're going to have a few questions. That's the point. ''They are going to be dumbfounded, baffled...

  • Visual Aid

    One hundred thousand dollars. That's the goal attempting to be met at this year's Art for Life Auction. The eleventh annual function, which benefits the...