God bless the ambition of "The United States vs. Billie Holiday," but the fevered drama is still a miss
Spahn's magnificent film tackles the issue of why LGBTQ actors are often passed over for LGBTQ roles.
Fortune Feimster is part of the polished comic ensemble who make "Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar" shine
"The World to Come" aims to be a lesbian version of Brokeback Mountain. It is nothing of the sort.
"Judas and the Black Messiah" delivers a fierce portrait of a man, his movement, and the forces that aligned to bring him down
For Palmer's Fisher Stevens, the story of an ex-con who bonds with a gender non-conforming kid was one that needed telling
Nomadland, Pixar's Soul, Chadwick Boseman, Minari, and Boys State among the list of winners in the 2021 WAFCAs.
Justin Timberlake and Ryder Allen get in sync as a makeshift family in Apple TV+'s graceful "Palmer"
"Two of Us" is a beautiful, sad drama about the perils of aging and hidden identities
McCormick's film explores specific nuances of dating and relationships in the Black gay community
Harry Macqueen’s "Supernova" depicts a gay married couple’s struggle with illness and mortality.
Haim will produce the music for a tale about a young teen daring to be different in a world with strict gender norms
"The Little Things" is an intriguing riddle wrapped in a mystery, wrapped up with a ridiculous ending
Mosallam's sweet love story tackles faith, food, and witty comedy
COVID quashed Cox's plans to establish a Dragapalooza Vegas residency, so he did the next best thing. He made it into a film.