Producer David McFarland is hopeful that major league LGBTQ athletes will come out in the future
The president of Marvel Studios said they will introduce queer storylines for both new and old characters
Daniella Pineda said a line identifying her character as lesbian was cut for time
"A Kid Like Jake" has an interesting conceit: Its titular youth is seldom seen on-screen
The director tapped his experiences for a comedy starring Steve Coogan and Paul Rudd as a gay couple who inherit a son
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom trades theme park thrills for gothic chills, but it’s still not enough
Lena Waithe also received the Trailblazer award for her activism and comedic work
A whiz-bang superpowered action-comedy, Incredibles 2 is not as incredible as its predecessor
Mean Girls for the YouTube generation, Alex Strangelove offers its own quirky brand of R-rated fun
Sandra, Cate, and company make a well-choreographed splash at the Met Gala with the flashy "Ocean's 8"
Gaga's first feature film also stars Drag Race alumni Shangela and Willam
A new documentary peeks under the skirts of designer André Leon Talley
The director's "How to Talk to Girls at Parties" is steeped in a punk motif
Drag Race: All Stars winner will appear in the spoof disaster series with La Toya Jackson and Tori Spelling
The latest Star Wars boasts messy action, a dozeworthy plot, and a leading man with all the charisma of a nerfherder