Growing up gay, coming out trans, and gloriously overbearing mothers are included in this year's DC Shorts LGBTQ Showcase
Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson riff and rumble in a nimble, old-school action-comedy.
David France examines the extraordinary life of beloved "street queen" Marsha P. Johnson
Tom Teasley crafts a unique score for the silent masterpiece The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Al Gore's followup to his landmark "An Inconvenient Truth" paints a more optimistic picture of the future
It's set against the backdrop of the Black Lives Matter movement and the death of Freddie Gray
Rae Leone Allen and Yaani Supreme's dramedy screens as part of RA Xtra
The documentary Check It is a "a unique, charismatic, cinematic" slice of D.C.'s African-American LGBTQ youth
Charlize Theron kicks butt and takes names in an action-packed fever dream of Cold War pulp fiction
Packed with harrowing suspense and relentless action, Christopher Nolan's war epic "Dunkirk" twists the knife deeply
The (presumed) final installment of the latest "Planet of the Apes" series is a plodding, lumbering, insulting bore
The exhilarating new Spider-Man swings Peter Parker into a full-throttle growth spurt financed by Tony Stark
Unavailable for decades, AFI will show John Waters' gloriously grotesque second feature
Do The Right Thing introduced the world to both Martin Lawrence and Rosie Perez
One of the most powerful films about the evils of society ever made