No cities were destroyed in the making of Ant-Man, but therein may lie its biggest problem
Magic Mike XXL pumps up the muscles and the fun
A new documentary about the late singer Amy Winehouse, Amy () interrogates the tragic side of performance and public identity. Directed by Asif Kapadia, a filmmaker...
Terminator: Genisys pays strict homage to the original before traipsing down a senseless, incomprehensible path
Pixar's "Inside Out" is a triumph.
Michael Lumpkin, head of AFI Docs, explains why LGBT Documentaries are still important
"Boulevard" presents a familiar tale of rediscovering one's sexuality
Jurassic World makes for an honest, if exhausting, two hours of dino-on-dino action
Great movies can inspire us to interrogate social ills, or teach us a thing or two about our beliefs. Slow West (), a not-so ordinary...
Tomorrowland is a mess of a story that contradicts itself tonally, politically, and philosophically
POLTERGEIST The remake of the ’80s horror flick pits a family against spirits who invade their home and kidnap their daughter. If anyone can outdo...
Star of Carol refutes Variety magazine interview.
Age of Ultron is predictably excellent, even if it lacks some of the original’s brilliance
Tiger Orange is a launchpad for pornstar-cum-actor Johnny Hazzard
Actor to star as transgender pioneer Lili Elbe