Metro Weekly


  • Swan Song

    This is the end for director Steven Soderbergh. He says he's packing up, retiring from film, moving on to other artistic projects. If he is...

  • Zom Rom Com

    A geeky-looking boy is mired in existential despair. He worries about his pale skin, his poor diet, his bad posture. He wants to meet people....

  • Hunting Bin Laden

    Zero Dark Thirty is not a ''pro-torture'' film. It's also not much of an ''anti-torture'' film, either, in so far as it isn't simply interested...

  • Mazel Tov

    Celebrated Spanish actress Carmen Maura plays a ditzy mom in Mikael Buch's new gay romantic comedy Let My People Go! Maura, you may recall, was...

  • Chain Male

    Here comes Quentin Tarantino, galloping into the terrible history of American slavery with a shotgun in his hands and a bundle of dynamite slung across...

  • The Best and Worst Films of 2012

    Don't be discouraged by Hollywood schlock -- we're living in a wonderful age of film. Even if there were a few duds in the last...

  • Vocal Prowess

    I must confess: I've never seen Les Misérables onstage. Until a few weeks ago, when I finally threw myself into all things Schönberg, Javert and...

  • Hobbit Forming

    I was ready to be underwhelmed by The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Nearly a decade after The Return of the King, director Peter Jackson hasn't...

  • Mobster Capitalism

    If you're looking for a mediocre night at the movie theater, look no further than Andrew Dominik's Killing Them Softly. It has everything: a retread...

  • Bond That Binds

    Midway through Sam Mendes's Skyfall, James Bond is stuck in a familiar situation. He's tied to chair, smirking as a peculiar-looking man lectures him on...

  • Log Cabin Fever

    Lincoln is why Hollywood should exist. Steven Spielberg's wonderful film about our 16th president isn't a war epic or a maudlin biography. The film only...

  • Unfilmable

    If there's anything worth praising in Cloud Atlas, the colossal adaptation of David Mitchell's nesting doll of a novel, it's the spectacle. Directors Tom Tykwer,...

  • Survival Instincts

    I don't have to tell you that How to Survive a Plague is an important film. Nor do I have to tell you that it...

  • Killing Yourself

    There's no such thing as time travel without plot holes. As characters jump backward and forward in a timeline, technical complexities multiply. Laws of physics...

  • Hot Mess

    The Paperboy is a hot mess. ''Hot'' because it contrives to get Zac Efron out of his clothes as often as possible. ''Mess'' because it's...