Metro Weekly


  • The Hole Truth

    You often hear about pop artists and bands partying hard, being reckless with life and drugs. But you rarely see it. ''I didn't really want...

  • Blood Sucking

    Stop me if any of this seems familiar: Johnny Depp wears makeup and an odd costume to play a quirky man with an accent. Tim...

  • Avenging Marvels

    Take a minute to consider how incredible it is that The Avengers exists. This movie, after all, is more than seven years in the making....

  • Cylindrical Cinema

    Kerry Brougher doesn't think architect Gordon Bunshaft or other developers of the Hirshhorn Museum anticipated that the circular, donut-shaped building, completed in 1974, would one...

  • Bully for 'Bully'

    There's no such thing as an honest documentary. Any one, told in any way, will be twisted and tacked into place by a filmmaker's intentions....

  • Cabin Fever

    Don't watch the trailer, don't ask your friends, and above all else, don't read about it online. (Except, um, here.) The Cabin in the Woods...

  • Comic Culture

    Fandom has reached something akin to a roaring pitch on the fringes of today's pop culture. For every hit television show or movie, dozens of...

  • Death Match

    The first thing worth mentioning about The Hunger Games is the silence. Few characters say much, and those that do don't repeat themselves. Their thoughts,...

  • Fixer Uppers

    Jeff, Who Lives At Home is a funny sort of movie. Not funny ha-ha, as its trailer so deceptively suggests, but funny like a warm...

  • Mars Barred

    Based on an Edgar Rice Burroughs story that debuted in a pulp magazine 100 years ago, John Carter is a very expensive movie. If there's...

  • Review: We Need to Talk About Kevin

    Film doesn't get much grimmer than We Need To Talk About Kevin. It's an utterly bleak, astonishing piece of work that demands your attention just...

  • Hooray for Hollywood

    Why watch the Oscars alone at home when you could do it with hundreds of your best gay friends? That at least is part of...

  • Oscar Fix

    Well, it's Oscar time again! Somewhere out West, at this very moment, starlets are shrieking at their personal assistants about ill-fitting Dior, Billy Crystal is...

  • Vanity Affair

    One thing is clear in W.E., Madonna's mess of an attempt to pin ''auteur'' onto one of the few unoccupied spaces of her many-sided identity....

  • Review: The Innkeepers

      The Innkeepers, like all of Ti West's horror, is an exercise in slow-burning scares. He short-circuits nerves with anxiety, using sober creeps to ratchet...