Metro Weekly


  • Greek Comedy

    Two years ago, Forgetting Sarah Marshall was a hit not just because of Jason Segel's full frontal shot, but because it was a highly entertaining,...

  • Fluff for Fans

    Dear Sex and the City fans: Cheers! Everything you could have possibly wanted in a sequel to the first film, as a continuation of the...

  • Big-Screen Crime

    Robin Hood and Little John walkin' through the forest … oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly what a bore! A great deal of nostalgia will be felt for...

  • Iron Fortified

    When Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) takes the stage at an Expo at the beginning of Iron Man 2, he does so in a manner...

  • Death Match

    Can a British black comedy about a family successfully translate to an American comedy about a black family? Bloody hell, yeah! In 2007, the Frank...

  • Heroic Deeds

    The least offensive thing about Kick-Ass is its title. The most offensive? That's way too hard to pinpoint. Kick-Ass is flat-out, balls-to-the-wall funny. Now, if...

  • Jett Lag

    In a very odd way, it's almost as if Kristen Stewart was born to play rocker Joan Jett. The slightly stoned look of ambivalence and...

  • Gods Forsaken

    ''Just accept it.'' That's the advice given to Perseus when he discovers a sword from the gods in the forest. There's no good explanation for...

  • Son Dance

    Sometimes things don't turn out the way you expect. Sometimes the high school quarterback grows up and transitions into a woman. Sometimes an orphan discovers...

  • Small Wonder

    Once upon a time there was a young director named Tim Burton, and he created wonderfully bizarre and macabre worlds populated by a boy with...

  • Easy Pickings

    Most of the Oscar winners this year are sure-things. There, I did it. All of my Oscar picks for the year are cursed and I'm...

  • Mystery Man

    There are so many mysteries on the island that it feels like you're never going to get any answers. Is there a safe way off?...

  • Mysterious Island

    There are so many mysteries on the island, it feels like you're never going to get any answers. Is there a way off the island?...

  • Love Lies Bleeding

    Cupid! Hey, Cupid! Come over here and shoot me. Right through my eye, please, because it would be less painful than having to watch Garry...

  • Broken Bones

    There's a sweetness to Alice Sebold's 2002 mega-bestseller The Lovely Bones that belies the story of a young girl's brutal rape and killing. That same...