Two years ago, Forgetting Sarah Marshall was a hit not just because of Jason Segel's full frontal shot, but because it was a highly entertaining,...
Dear Sex and the City fans: Cheers! Everything you could have possibly wanted in a sequel to the first film, as a continuation of the...
Robin Hood and Little John walkin' through the forest … oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly what a bore! A great deal of nostalgia will be felt for...
When Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) takes the stage at an Expo at the beginning of Iron Man 2, he does so in a manner...
Can a British black comedy about a family successfully translate to an American comedy about a black family? Bloody hell, yeah! In 2007, the Frank...
The least offensive thing about Kick-Ass is its title. The most offensive? That's way too hard to pinpoint. Kick-Ass is flat-out, balls-to-the-wall funny. Now, if...
In a very odd way, it's almost as if Kristen Stewart was born to play rocker Joan Jett. The slightly stoned look of ambivalence and...
''Just accept it.'' That's the advice given to Perseus when he discovers a sword from the gods in the forest. There's no good explanation for...
Sometimes things don't turn out the way you expect. Sometimes the high school quarterback grows up and transitions into a woman. Sometimes an orphan discovers...
Once upon a time there was a young director named Tim Burton, and he created wonderfully bizarre and macabre worlds populated by a boy with...
Most of the Oscar winners this year are sure-things. There, I did it. All of my Oscar picks for the year are cursed and I'm...
There are so many mysteries on the island that it feels like you're never going to get any answers. Is there a safe way off?...
There are so many mysteries on the island, it feels like you're never going to get any answers. Is there a way off the island?...
Cupid! Hey, Cupid! Come over here and shoot me. Right through my eye, please, because it would be less painful than having to watch Garry...
There's a sweetness to Alice Sebold's 2002 mega-bestseller The Lovely Bones that belies the story of a young girl's brutal rape and killing. That same...