Metro Weekly


  • Cook's Country

    If there’s a secret ingredient, you can bet it’s butter. Butter makes everything better. And there is absolutely no substitute for it in cooking. Using...

  • Leukemia Laughs

    Though it happens all the time in movies or in sitcoms, I’ve never actually known someone to make a deal with a cabbie that the...

  • F**k Buddies

    Humpday is a movie more awkward and squirm-inducing than Brüno. Who would have thought it possible, let alone come so soon on the heels of...

  • Hormonal Harry

    Hogwarts homework assignment: Re-watch (or re-read) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. If you don’t, you’re going to be utterly lost because there...

  • Gay Puree

    Brüno is like anal bleaching: You can't believe anyone would actually do it, the thought of it makes you cringe, and you're happy that it's...

  • Guns and Roses

    Why do we always go for the bad boys? Is it the thrill of danger, the excitement of living on the edge, or simply that...

  • Life's Lessons

    Life is made up of little lessons that, when strung together, form a whole that allows us to see the larger truth. The same can...

  • The Morning After

    Haven't we all had a hangover that hits in the morning like a ton of bricks being dropped on your head one at a time?...

  • Hell Raiser

    Recipe: Add one tablespoon of spittle from an old hag, three blond hairs from one young woman (preferable beautiful), and one fly with wings still...

  • Geared Up

    Who would have thought that salvation would come in the form of a man with the self-ascribed moniker McG? But it has. McG, who made...

  • Blinded by Science

    It's been three years since Dan Brown's wildly popular novel, The Da Vinci Code, jumped to the silver screen, angering the Catholic Church with its...

  • Secret Lives

    Washington loves its secrets -- or at least it loves pretending something is a secret even though it's made its way through the rumor mill...

  • Space Balls

    J.J. Abrams may not be boldly going where no man has gone before, but he's boldly doing what few have done before: creating a daring,...

  • De-Clawed

    What happens when the badass becomes the sweet and sensitive one? You lose the edge. And that's exactly the problem with X-Men Origins: Wolverine. There's...

  • Closet Cases

    Where's the rage in Outrage? Director Kirby Dick, who last covered the Motion Picture Association of America's rating system in This Film Is Not Yet...