Metro Weekly


  • The Pitts

    Why is summer the season of change? Really, think about the number of films about transformative summers, from the iconic Summer of '42, to the...

  • Collision Course

    Excelente. Una maravillosa película. Fantástico. And many other superlatives that I no longer remember from high school Spanish. By all standard measures, Sin Nombre should...

  • Roller Coasting

    Ah, the '80s. Who doesn't miss the hair, the fashion sense, the music, and the simpler times? James (Jesse Eisenberg) might disagree with that last...

  • Male Bonding

    It's springtime again -- season of love, hope, budding bromance. That's no typo, gang -- bromance is the new romance. It's all about the dude...

  • Identity Crisis

    Let me make myself perfectly clear: Watchmen isn't your ordinary comic-book superhero movie. It's an extraordinary comic-book superhero movie. Cast of 'The Watchmen' The long-awaited,...

  • Choosing Oscar

    It's Oscar time -- let the judging begin! The clothes, the hair, the jewelry... and if there's any time left you might get around to...

  • Attention Shoppers!

    Sometimes a movie is like an ice-cream cone. It's all sweet and sugary goodness, but there's nothing packed into the cone so it cracks and...

  • Hopelessly Undevoted

    Here are the facts of life according to He's Just Not That Into You: Women are pathetic and hopeless in love; the only way to...

  • Frame by Frame

    Scene from 'Coraline' In this day and age of CGI-assisted animation, you have to admire the stubborn tenacity (or is that outright insanity?) of those...

  • Out for Blood

    Liam Neeson: 'Taken' If you're going to run off to Paris and get kidnapped, you had better hope that your dad is a former secret...

  • Afterbirth

    Let's face facts -- a horror movie being released in January is a bad omen. But The Unborn boasts a writer/director with a track record...

  • Stalled

    Old men say the darndest things. Though sometimes those things are racial slurs so vulgar that they can't be printed here. In Gran Torino, Clint...

  • The Best and Worst Films of 2008

    When the credits started to roll, did you jump to your feet and applaud or storm the box office and demand your money back- In...

  • Chilled Milk

    Bio-pics are tricky things. Filmmakers who undertake them are required to balance narrative flow with documented real-life experiences. They often take liberties with the truth,...

  • Bonding Behavior

    That dashing, debonair, heartthrob who can make the impossible seem easy is back. And the best part is that he's playing James Bond again. Daniel...