The giddy anticipation of a movie is sometimes better than the movie itself. You enter more excited than you ultimately exit. Such is frequently the...
Hot Fuzz is a cross between Die Hard and The Full Monty. No, that's not quite right. Maybe it's more like Point Break meets Four...
Wake up, moviegoing America! Right before your eyes last weekend came an original: a witty, exceedingly well-crafted tribute to the exploitation flicks of the '70s,...
A voice-over narration that condescends to the audience isn't the most auspicious start for a film, particularly for Boy Culture, the story of a Seattle...
I don't want to be premature about this, but it seems Joseph Gordon-Levitt has completely conquered the ''Curse of the T.V. Sitcom Child Actor.'' Many...
To steal the tagline from another skating film, Blades of Glory is a movie about a love/skate relationship. What makes this one unique is that...
Five and a half years. Is it still too soon for a 9/11 themed movie? And, in the case of Reign Over Me, is this...
Lots of hot, sweaty, buff, nearly-naked men. Do you need more convincing to run out and see 300? If so, consider this: It's a visually...
First off, an important disclaimer about Black Snake Moan. The snakes are metaphorical -- they did not follow Samuel L. Jackson off the plane. In...
Breaking and Entering is an adult film with adult themes, an adult pace and adult sensibilities. It's awash in a sea of adultness. And why...
It's a pretty sure bet that if you name your kid Hannibal, he'll grow up to be a serial killer. But what kind of serial...
When it comes to new movie releases, January is pretty much the doldrums. In order to find a truly involving motion picture that doesn't include...
It's all about the song. So potent is its power -- and so much more powerful in the hands of the artist who sings it...
Sometimes in show business, it's good to have a gimmick to generate interest in your product. The gimmick deployed by Steven Soderbergh for The Good...
''In America, it's bling bling. Out here it's bling bang,'' says diamond smuggler Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) to American journalist Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly), of...