The summer movie season officially launched three weeks ago. The unfortunate among us have already been to dreary Transylvania and a godless Troy, while the...
''May the gods be with you, '' says Trojan King Priam (Peter O'Toole) to his eldest son Hector (Eric Bana), as the young, handsome, extremely...
It must have seemed like a good idea to someone, somewhere, in some altered state: Combine Universal's three biggest movie monster properties -- Dracula, Frankenstein...
When a movie carries a title like Mean Girls, one has every right to expect a satirical maliciousness to underscore its events. But apart from...
America, meet your new cinema sweetheart: Jennifer Garner. With her lush, broad radiant smile, delicately chiseled features, and extremely magnetic personality, Garner seems poised to...
''There are consequences to breaking the heart of a murdering bastard, '' says Bill (David Carradine) to The Bride (Uma Thurman) during the philosophical calm...
What do we learn while watching Games People Play: New York, director James Ronald Whitney's ''reality series pilot '' cum feature film? That fame whores...
One could easily argue that Ron Perlman's most memorable performances are those in which he's encased under heavy duty, extra-special effects makeup. For proof, witness...
I can think of no good reason to recommend that you buy a ticket to see the Coen brothers remake of The Ladykillers. Unless, of...
It's been almost two decades since I last watched George Romero's 1978 cult classic Dawn of the Dead, a pinnacle achievement for both the hit-and-miss...
C. Jay Cox's Latter Days is a powerhouse that grabs your heart and wrenches and wrenches away. Who knew that Cox, author of Sweet Home...
It's fitting that Todd Phillips has been tapped to direct a spoof of The Six Million Dollar Man. Fitting because Phillips appears intent on mooring...
Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ can be summed up in a single word: obsessive. The movie, which concentrates on the final twelve hours...
In order to fully enjoy Eurotrip, you need to be willing to completely shut off your mind and relax as you soak for ninety minutes...
There are great haircuts. There are terrible haircuts. And then there are those haircuts that are so profoundly mediocre that they go virtually unnoticed. Those...