A high school athlete finds himself on the verge of destruction in the tense family drama "Waves"
T Cooper's documentary follows four trans men training to compete at Trans FitCon
After 40 years of performing stand-up, Paula Poundstone has decided that nothing heals the soul quite like laughter
Leading his band or blowing his horn alongside Lady Gaga, Brian Newman represents many styles of great American music
Factory 449 puts forth an impassioned, if occasionally overwrought, "Agnes of God"
Breaking up is hard to do for two married New Yorkers in Noah Baumbach's raw, real "Marriage Story"
Folger's "Amadeus" offers an entertaining flight of historical fancy in the fictitious battle of Salieri v. Mozart.
Everything is beautiful at Signature's high-kicking production of "A Chorus Line"
Our picks of the best arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
Everything arts and entertainment in the D.C. area this week!
GLAAD calls for 20% of series regulars to be LGBTQ by 2025, with half of LGBTQ characters being people of color
The Emporiyum returns for another showcase of new and innovative food products that go well beyond the typical market fare
A selection of some of the vendors you'll find at The Emporiyum Food Market, November 8-10, 2019
"End of the Century" explores a world of what-ifs for two handsome strangers
Fleisher will join the orchestra as a soloist on Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 12