FILM DAYS OF THUNDER The first of three films to star Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman during their decade of marriage, Jerry Bruckheimer’s NASCAR blockbuster...
This year’s festival boasts a diverse, LGBTQ-friendly lineup
Miche Braden brings blues singer Bessie Smith to magnificent, powerful life in Mosaic's The Devil's Music.
Steve Grand performs at DC Out, while LGBTQ country fans show off their best two-steps.
Bounce music diva performs at D.C.'s all-day, LGBTQ-focused music and arts festival
Love is in the air in Signature's graceful, elegant production of Sondheim's A Little Night Music.
Our picks of some of the best arts and entertainment in DC!
DC Gaymers gives LGBTQ gamers a way to convene and compete
The Baltimore-based artist’s works are imbued with the naive, raw simplicity and energy
The Maryland Renaissance Festival returns to quell our cravings for kings, knights, jousting, and turkey legs
The Wizard of Hip feels dated, but the exuberant Thomas W. Jones II and his reliable Lady Doo-Wops put on a good show
Sasha Lord is bringing a lot of local punk to the popular pizza restaurant
Wolf Trap hosts Fishbone, Nona Hendryx and more for a tribute concert
Arena Stage's Mead Center complex hosts an afternoon of free performances, a sale of costumes fit for Halloween, and accessories from previous shows
Week of August 24-30
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