Cam Magee’s performance is reason enough to see Avant Bard’s Madwoman of Chaillot
"Boulevard" presents a familiar tale of rediscovering one's sexuality
After Microsoft landed several body blows during its conference earlier that day, Sony had a lot to prove when its executives stepped on stage at E3....
He came out in 2012 during an interview with The New York Times
Sunday's Hit N Run show at The Warner Theatre in Washington
Microsoft needed a good E3. The Xbox One is a powerful, capable console, but a high launch price pushed many prospective buyers into the waiting...
Jurassic World makes for an honest, if exhausting, two hours of dino-on-dino action
Tickets on sale at Noon on Thursday for Sunday's HITnRUN show at the Warner Theatre in D.C.
— Iggy Azalea, in a statement announcing that she would not be performing at Pittsburgh Pridefest. Azalea’s presence had been objected to by protestors who claim that...
The women of Lez Zeppelin get the Led out at The Hamilton
Signature Theatre's Cabaret does right by Kander and Ebb -- but the story, as ever, is dismaying and disturbing
Though chock full of great ideas, Zombie: The American needed to be a lot edgier and wittier
Congressional Chorus offers a chorale tribute to Sondheim
LGBT History comprises hundreds of individual stories. Now, two groups are putting those stories front and center
Witcher 3 revels in the depravity of war, offering an engrossing, exciting, time-consuming experience.