Eight years ago, director John Hillcoat and artist Nick Cave made a brilliant movie called The Proposition. Set amid a battle between a gang of...
What's a gay man doing directing the female equivalent of a bromance? ''I don't speak for all gay men when I say this,'' says For...
''When it ran Off-Broadway, to attempt to sell tickets, they started saying Mad Men meets Milk,'' Michael Stebbins of Rep Stage says about The...
How does the song go? ''Just lots of good will, and maybe one small thrill, but there's nothing dirty going on.'' {Best Little Whorehouse in...
Those of a certain age might recall that Marsha Mason was married to playwright Neil Simon. Before Simon, however, there was Gary Campbell. ''He was...
Nobody wants to see a 54-year-old stripper. You might think Madonna didn't get that memo based on her performance in her latest road show, ''The...
I’m a big fan of Band of Horses, so I was actually thrilled to find the premiere of their latest video over at NPR.org. The...
Country pretty boy Brad Paisley is such a charmer, he almost turned Chely Wright straight. The story goes that a decade before Wright came out,...
With the epic dimensions of a Shakespearean tragedy, Lauren Greenfield’s documentary The Queen of Versailles follows David and Jackie Siegel’s rags-to-riches-to-rags story, which evolved during...
“Raw Talent (Over Two Dozen Things to Do with a Naked Man)” is the cheekily titled new exhibit at the Vitruvian Gallery, the gallery devoted...
Academy Award and Tony Award nominee Kathleen Turner portrays the late, liberal Texas newspaper columnist Molly Ivins. Twin sisters and journalists Margaret Engel and Allison...
Season 2 of “Husbands the Series” is now available on YouTube. Starring Brad Bell and Sean Hemeon as Cheeks and Brady, this web comedy was...
{Emeli Sandé (Photo by Simon Emmett)} Forget the Song of Summer competition. At this point in the season, you're probably tiring of most of...
The electronic dance duo Blaqk Audio (Davey Havok and Jade Puget of AFI) released the first of three videos taking a look into the duo’s...
This morning, as we were doing our usual tech browsing to find something that piqued our interest, we came across something that not only got...