This month, State Theatre’s popular party The Legwarmers, billed as D.C.’s “biggest ’80s Retro Dance Party,” takes place on New Year’s Eve. The party is...
Wince you might at the idea of Much Ado About Nothing rendered as a 1930s screwball comedy set in Cuba, but the concept — and...
Not one but two area museums are offering exhibits focused on the work of Andy Warhol. The Hirshhorn presents “Andy Warhol: Shadows 1978,” comprising 102...
Alexander Steinitz conducts the Strauss Symphony of America and fellow Viennese performers soprano Rebecca Nelsen and tenor Thomas Sigwald, plus dancers from the Vienna Imperial...
Writer Lee Hall, director Stephen Daldry and choreographer Peter Darling reprise their responsibilities adapting the popular 2000 film Billy Elliot, with Hall also penning the...
Politics as theater? Oh, sure. We see that all the time. But politics as stand-up comedy? Ah, now that is much trickier territory –...
Lady Gaga and Beyoncé both released new albums in 2011. But aside from some great tracks (most notably ''Americano'' and Sheibe'' from Gaga, ''Run...
The past year has been fantastic for moviegoers. More so than any other year in recent memory, the best films of 2011 are incredibly different...
The Great American Hall of Wonders examines the American ingenuity that energized all aspects of 19th-century society, from the painting of landscapes and scenes of...
The Washington Post has called Chopteeth Afrofunk Big Band “a storming powerhouse of big-band African funk. . .smart, tight and relentlessly driving.” Chopteeth has already...
Theater Alliance presents Black Nativity, Langston Hughes’s retelling of the Biblical Christmas story from an Afro-centric perspective, incorporating gospel, blues, funk, jazz and dance with...
The Washington Psychotronic Film Society, dedicated to independent, experimental, low-budget, off-the-beaten-path filmmaking, presents a weekly Monday night screening series, hosted by The Incorrigible Dr. Schlock....
Hoping to follow in the footsteps of fellow D.C.-bred comics Wanda Sykes, Dave Chappelle and Martin Lawrence, Erin Jackson has garnered some national credibility with...
Washington Improv Theater’s annual holiday extravaganza features shows based on audience suggestions, showing you the good, the bad and the ugly of the season —...
Winnie (Erwin Keller), Ben Schatz (Rachel), Jeff Manabat (Trixie) and Trampolina (Spencer Brown) make up the popular “dragapella beautyshop quartet” The Kinsey Sicks, specializing in...