The American Film Institute’s Silver Theatre presents the second in a three-part series this year exploring the works of the great filmmaker. Part II focuses...
The Gay Men’s Chorus’s select ensemble Potomac Fever teams up with two other ensembles from men’s choruses in Virginia and North Carolina to present “Crazy...
Carl Tanner got his start as a singer with a Glee-like moment: The Washington-Lee High School footballer and wrestler joined the school chorus after someone...
As part of a month-long retrospective of Todd Haynes’s work, the American Film Institute’s Silver Theatre presents one of the earlier films from the somewhat...
You can't be blamed for balking at the idea of seeing Ruined, a play that confronts head-on the mass-rape of civilian women by combatants during...
Why settle for a Ford Focus when you could drive a Saab 9-3 Convertible instead? It may not be quite as high profile as American...
It takes a big man to wield the hammer of Thor, God of Thunder. And going on looks alone, Chris Hemsworth is just the man...
What's a 10-person modern dance troupe with three gay members -- including its founder -- doing based full-time in Boise, Idaho? ''It's a pretty liberal...
Joan “As Police Woman” Wasser has been a member of Antony and the Johnsons, has a connection with the Scissor Sisters and has been championed...
In Edmund Rostand’s Cyrano, our hero secretly adores Roxanne but fears she could never share the sentiment because of his extraordinarily huge nose. So he...
The African Continuum Theatre Company presents Blues for an Alabama Sky. Set in the summer of 1930 in Harlem, the creative euphoria of the Harlem...
The American Film Institute’s Silver Theatre presents the second in a three-part series this year exploring the works of the great filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock. Part...
The composer and producer Scott Freiman offers “Looking Through A Glass Onion: Deconstructing The White Album,” a sure-to-be fascinating live multimedia lecture exploring all aspects...
The Washington Bach Consort’s season finale celebrates Easter and draws from four distinct areas of Bach’s incomparable creative genius, including Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in...
David Crosby and Graham Nash, two of the anti-Vietnam War era’s most prolific singer-songwriters — and core members of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young —...