For a taste of what’s happening in improv comedy in those far funnier, far edgier coastal cities, keep an eye out for The Upright Citizens...
Suzanne Westenhoefer was the first openly gay comedian to appear on television, from appearances on David Letterman, HBO and Bravo. These days she maintains a...
Local DJ Joshua spins for Gay/Bash! A Queer Night of Rock and Pop Gems, a party featuring gay-popular pop throughout the years — or at...
''Until very recently, I went out of my way in all of my songs to... in the second person,'' says singer-songwriter Dar Williams. ''Because then...
''It's all right for younger people to like older music,'' says pianist John Eaton, an expert of the Great American Songbook and jazz music from...
In the early '90s, Suzanne Westenhoefer made the rounds of that era's spate of daytime talk shows -- hosted by the likes of Sally Jesse...
Is Sarah Palin the Antichrist? “That’s to be interpreted by the ,” says Gross National Product’s John Simmons, referring to his theater company’s latest comedy...
Put On The Gloves Fashion Show is a benefit for the Trevor Project and its suicide prevention work. The event also benefits the Capital Queer...
In “Tango Inferno: The Fire Within,” The Tango Fire Company of Buenos Aires, Argentina’s most acclaimed dance company, performs to traditional tango music played by...
Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth documents innovative responses from various regions around the world already struggling with climate change-driven problems like...
The Washington Performing Arts Society presents Russian pianist Sofya Gulyakin her Kennedy Center debut in a program that includes Schubert, Chopin, Franck and Ravel. It’s...
A D.C.-based indie-rock band formed in 1993, The Dismemberment Plan actually dismembered a decade later, in 2003, with a final show at the 9:30 Club....
Christoph Escenbach conducts the NSO and guest pianist Tzimon Barto in Gershwin’s Piano Concerto, plus a few pieces from Bernstein. Then, actor Richard Dreyfuss reads...
A gripping drama from Tel Aviv’s Cameri Theatre, Return to Haifa follows a young soldier torn between his Palestinian birth parents who fled Haifa during...
The In Series’s latest “pocket opera” powerhouse double-bill of passion, betrayal and revenge, features Ernesto Lecuona’s Cuban zarzuela masterpiece Maria la O and Ruggiero Leoncavallo’s...