Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Monster Trash

    To say that the third installment in the Twilight Saga is the best one is like saying the Korean War was the best war, or...

  • Glamourpusses

    If, since hearing about Studio Theatre's decision to mount a new production of Legends! starring James Lecesne and John Epperson (aka Lypsinka) in the leading...

  • True Blues

    Just the thought of it makes you dubious. Cyndi Lauper producing a blues album? Oh sure, the all-covers Memphis Blues, her 11th studio set, follows...

  • Unsaintly Actions

    When Proposition 8 was passed in California during the 2008 elections, not only did it put a stop to marriages for same-sex couples in the...

  • True Stories

    When truth can be stranger than fiction, documentaries can eclipse feature films in their ability to enthrall, entertain and educate. Now in its eighth year,...

  • Spiritual Cinema

    Lately, all the buzz about Buddha in the District of Columbia has belonged to Buddha Bar, the überhip restaurant/lounge chain of the jetseteratti, welcoming Washington...

  • Diva Duel

    ''I think the fact that this ridiculous play -- in the best sense of the word -- is being done in this what I would...

  • Suffragette City

    For those who tend to think of late Victorian/early Edwardian feminism in terms of the insuppressibly cheerful suffragette mother in Mary Poppins, George Bernard Shaw's...

  • Electro Buzz

    On new single ''Dancing On My Own,'' Robyn catches her boyfriend cheating on her at a club. ''I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her,...

  • Tony Fever

    In a recent episode of Glee, Kristin Chenoweth cued up a little Burt Bacharach in an effort to once again woo Matthew Morrison's character. She's...

  • Lady Like

    Enrique Divine, who just celebrated a birthday last week, laughs off questions about his age. ''You never ask that to a woman!'' The character of...

  • Slumber Dome

    So maybe you know about the dome. Or, maybe you don't know about the dome. Maybe, when looking at advertisements and posters for Arena Stage's...

  • Bionic Vanity

    Is Christina Aguilera the greatest singer in the world? Well, she sure thinks she is. Neither modesty nor subtlety is her strong suit. ''Everyday I...

  • Soul Activism

    Unlike a lot of soul singers, Goapele didn't get her start singing in talent shows or church. ''When I first started singing in public as...

  • Money Girl

    Several years ago, when Joan Rivers starred in a GEICO commercial where the whole concept centered on her plastic surgery, it seemed like a wonderful...