Once upon a time there was a young director named Tim Burton, and he created wonderfully bizarre and macabre worlds populated by a boy with...
Most of the Oscar winners this year are sure-things. There, I did it. All of my Oscar picks for the year are cursed and I'm...
''I think if one were to ask Andy Warhol about the impact he's had on Josh Kornbluth in finding his Jewish identity, he would be...
''Sometimes the resentment still comes up,'' says Thom Bierdz. ''But I believe in life after death, so I believe that mom's okay, just somewhere else.''...
There are so many mysteries on the island that it feels like you're never going to get any answers. Is there a safe way off?...
Egos were checked at the January ''Hope for Haiti'' concert telethon, with none of the performers identified by name. It was a small gesture of...
There are a litany of reasons to see both Richard II and Henry V, currently in rep at the Shakespeare Theatre. Among them, the joy...
Here are the top five reasons to make your way to the DC Arts Center in Adams Morgan to check out Landless Theatre Co.'s production...
There is an undeniable excitement that comes from talking to playwright Nilo Cruz. It's not a kind of idol worship. Not the realization that one...
Signature Theatre's Sweeney Todd is a nightmare drawn by Edward Gorey and colored by a shipwrecked orchestra. A lonely fairy tale featuring a peculiar assortment...
Although there will, without doubt, be many advantages to the Washington Shakespeare Company's move next season to the high-profile theatrical spaces of Rosslyn's Art Space...
Joshua Redman had no intention of becoming a world-renowned, award-winning jazz musician. ''I didn't go to undergraduate for music – I was going to go...
There are so many mysteries on the island, it feels like you're never going to get any answers. Is there a way off the island?...
Tegan and Sara Quin actually look like twins on the cover of Sainthood. ''For years we rejected this twin image, people always trying to twin...
If rumors of Synetic Theater's Euro-Slavic techno scores, not-so-classical dancing, and penchant for interpreting Shakespeare minus the spoken word have repelled rather than attracted you,...