If rumors of Synetic Theater's Euro-Slavic techno scores, not-so-classical dancing, and penchant for interpreting Shakespeare minus the spoken word have repelled rather than attracted you,...
Depending on where you were when the first flakes began to fall you may find the timing of Folger Theatre's newest production, playwright Anne Washburn's...
Cupid! Hey, Cupid! Come over here and shoot me. Right through my eye, please, because it would be less painful than having to watch Garry...
It's commonly known that acclaimed 20th century American artist Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986) was married to photographer Alfred Stieglitz during the early rise of her career...
When watching a play that includes Abraham Lincoln, the question begs to be asked: Is this a play about Lincoln the politician, or Lincoln the...
''I don't want to be ignored, oh god!'' Tom Smith cries at one point on Editors' new In This Light And On This Evening. With...
''There are pieces of what being gay is about that aren't really being discussed,'' says singer-songwriter Matt Alber. ''Being gay, I see things in a...
They don't make film music like they used to. So says Bill Conti. ''It's very difficult as the years go by, how they make a...
On a visit to the charmingly scrappy MetroStage in Alexandria right now, you might not find God, but you will find the next best thing....
The advantage to spending some portion of every day scanning blogs and Twitter feeds is that, sometimes, you stumble upon a question you've never previously...
When tasked with directing Signature Theatre's I Am My Own Wife, Alan Paul literally threw out the script. ''I wanted to free myself completely from...
If you have an ''s'' in your name, have you ever thought to replace it with a dollar sign? And really, why stop there? You...
''The last time I looked at my Wikipedia entry, it said that I was born in 1966, I'm Canadian, and I'm a Buddhist,'' says Stephin...
Piers Morgan of America's Got Talent has become an unlikely inspiration for female impersonator Shi-Queeta-Lee. ''A bunch of lip-synching old drag queens who can't dance...
''I love choreography,'' says The Washington Ballet's Jared Nelson, adding with a laugh, ''When I can't kick my legs up anymore, I hope to do...