Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Pyramidic Victory

    If rumors of Synetic Theater's Euro-Slavic techno scores, not-so-classical dancing, and penchant for interpreting Shakespeare minus the spoken word have repelled rather than attracted you,...

  • Slay Ride

    Depending on where you were when the first flakes began to fall you may find the timing of Folger Theatre's newest production, playwright Anne Washburn's...

  • Love Lies Bleeding

    Cupid! Hey, Cupid! Come over here and shoot me. Right through my eye, please, because it would be less painful than having to watch Garry...

  • Fresh Perspective

    It's commonly known that acclaimed 20th century American artist Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986) was married to photographer Alfred Stieglitz during the early rise of her career...

  • Siblings and Rivalries

    When watching a play that includes Abraham Lincoln, the question begs to be asked: Is this a play about Lincoln the politician, or Lincoln the...

  • Dark Disco

    ''I don't want to be ignored, oh god!'' Tom Smith cries at one point on Editors' new In This Light And On This Evening. With...

  • True Spirit

    ''There are pieces of what being gay is about that aren't really being discussed,'' says singer-songwriter Matt Alber. ''Being gay, I see things in a...

  • Hollywood Medley

    They don't make film music like they used to. So says Bill Conti. ''It's very difficult as the years go by, how they make a...

  • Divine Miss M

    On a visit to the charmingly scrappy MetroStage in Alexandria right now, you might not find God, but you will find the next best thing....

  • Writers' Block

    The advantage to spending some portion of every day scanning blogs and Twitter feeds is that, sometimes, you stumble upon a question you've never previously...

  • The Director's Wife

    When tasked with directing Signature Theatre's I Am My Own Wife, Alan Paul literally threw out the script. ''I wanted to free myself completely from...

  • Di$po$able Pop

    If you have an ''s'' in your name, have you ever thought to replace it with a dollar sign? And really, why stop there? You...

  • Magnetic Mystery

    ''The last time I looked at my Wikipedia entry, it said that I was born in 1966, I'm Canadian, and I'm a Buddhist,'' says Stephin...

  • Flashdance

    Piers Morgan of America's Got Talent has become an unlikely inspiration for female impersonator Shi-Queeta-Lee. ''A bunch of lip-synching old drag queens who can't dance...

  • Mozart Moves

    ''I love choreography,'' says The Washington Ballet's Jared Nelson, adding with a laugh, ''When I can't kick my legs up anymore, I hope to do...