Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Hormonal Harry

    Hogwarts homework assignment: Re-watch (or re-read) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. If you don’t, you’re going to be utterly lost because there...

  • Musical Wizardry

    There's this amazing detail in sounds and colors and orchestrations that you just really don't hear in the movie theater anymore,'' says the National Symphony...

  • Playing Safe

    ''I know you're patient. I know you'll wait,'' Lucas Silveira sings with a drawl as The Cliks' new album begins. ''But it's complicated, and I...

  • Fantasia Factor

    Ironic that word of James Frey’s new multi-book deal should be in the news at the same time The Color Purple is hitting the stage...

  • The Gay Fringe

    Can you imagine telling total strangers the details of your local sexual escapades? Actor Brent Stansell will do just that with his first solo show,...

  • Gay Puree

    Brüno is like anal bleaching: You can't believe anyone would actually do it, the thought of it makes you cringe, and you're happy that it's...

  • Russian Jewry

    Oy vey! The Yiddish construction is fun to use and say in English, even though it expresses dismay or exasperation. Yet, just the sound of...

  • Guns and Roses

    Why do we always go for the bad boys? Is it the thrill of danger, the excitement of living on the edge, or simply that...

  • D.C. Power Pop

    Our fair city is not known as a musical powerhouse, but at least two local bands are campaigning to stir up the electorate -- and...

  • Cardiff East Enders

    ''It's urban -- in Welsh terms,'' says Sian Summers, literary manager for the Sherman Cymru theater company, of the upcoming Studio Theatre reading of Cardiff...

  • Beat Rock

    A decade ago, the Black Eyed Peas was an alternative hip-hop trio with a devoted cult following. They soon exploded into the mainstream to become...

  • Utter Madness

    There will be those who will embrace the Shakespeare Theatre Company's current production of King Lear as bold, political, and über-entertaining. They will marvel at...

  • Life's Lessons

    Life is made up of little lessons that, when strung together, form a whole that allows us to see the larger truth. The same can...

  • Mummy Dearest

    Truth is stranger than fiction. Truth that is stranger than fiction set to music becomes doubly so. Before you venture to see GALA Hispanic Theatre's...

  • Birdland

    Adam Bock's Five Flights features a gay love story -- but that's just one of several subplots. ''Instead of having it be the central issue,...