Hogwarts homework assignment: Re-watch (or re-read) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. If you don’t, you’re going to be utterly lost because there...
There's this amazing detail in sounds and colors and orchestrations that you just really don't hear in the movie theater anymore,'' says the National Symphony...
''I know you're patient. I know you'll wait,'' Lucas Silveira sings with a drawl as The Cliks' new album begins. ''But it's complicated, and I...
Ironic that word of James Frey’s new multi-book deal should be in the news at the same time The Color Purple is hitting the stage...
Can you imagine telling total strangers the details of your local sexual escapades? Actor Brent Stansell will do just that with his first solo show,...
Brüno is like anal bleaching: You can't believe anyone would actually do it, the thought of it makes you cringe, and you're happy that it's...
Oy vey! The Yiddish construction is fun to use and say in English, even though it expresses dismay or exasperation. Yet, just the sound of...
Why do we always go for the bad boys? Is it the thrill of danger, the excitement of living on the edge, or simply that...
Our fair city is not known as a musical powerhouse, but at least two local bands are campaigning to stir up the electorate -- and...
''It's urban -- in Welsh terms,'' says Sian Summers, literary manager for the Sherman Cymru theater company, of the upcoming Studio Theatre reading of Cardiff...
A decade ago, the Black Eyed Peas was an alternative hip-hop trio with a devoted cult following. They soon exploded into the mainstream to become...
There will be those who will embrace the Shakespeare Theatre Company's current production of King Lear as bold, political, and über-entertaining. They will marvel at...
Life is made up of little lessons that, when strung together, form a whole that allows us to see the larger truth. The same can...
Truth is stranger than fiction. Truth that is stranger than fiction set to music becomes doubly so. Before you venture to see GALA Hispanic Theatre's...
Adam Bock's Five Flights features a gay love story -- but that's just one of several subplots. ''Instead of having it be the central issue,...