Sometimes you should absolutely judge a book by its cover. 'One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest' The moment you take your seat for Round House...
Neil Tennant wants to rekindle the romance. ''I'd survive with only memories, if I could change the way I feel,'' the Pet Shop Boys frontman...
''Berliner Kabarett is like a musical quilt,'' says the show's director Christopher Gallu. ''It's got all these songs that were never intended to be put...
Regardless of the geographic realities, there are times when one could be quite sure that the Mason-Dixon Line runs right through the center of our...
Patsy Cline's is the first voice heard on the debut, solo-artist album from Sharam Tayebi, one-half of the celebrated D.C. dance duo Deep Dish. Doesn't...
Excelente. Una maravillosa película. Fantástico. And many other superlatives that I no longer remember from high school Spanish. By all standard measures, Sin Nombre should...
When square-dance devotees talk about this all-American (well, sort of) art form, they're bound to get to the patterns eventually. And why not? From above,...
Ah, the '80s. Who doesn't miss the hair, the fashion sense, the music, and the simpler times? James (Jesse Eisenberg) might disagree with that last...
Bob Mould (Photo by Noah Kalina) Bob Mould sounded like he had all but given up on his last album, District Line. ''It's the same...
Jil Aigrot Jil Aigrot has become known for singing as Edith Piaf. So perfect is her Piaf, she was tapped to voice the singing portions...
The stoop is a culture all its own. It's a city thing, somehow different than the rural or small-town front porch. It's the original social-networking...
As one familiar with England's wild and windy Norfolk coast, there is much that resonates in the Washington National Opera's production of Benjamin Britten's Peter...
A few years ago, Bebe Neuwirth created an uproarious caricature of conservative firebrand Ann Coulter on Al Franken's Air America radio show. ''I think she...
Jeff Buhrman knows his gay ABCs -- knows them well. And he'll help the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington recite them at everything gAy to...
Alas, where to begin? There are but two ways of looking at director Ethan McSweeny's interpretation of Euripides' Ion: It is either a masterpiece of...