Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Nuts

    Sometimes you should absolutely judge a book by its cover. 'One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest' The moment you take your seat for Round House...

  • Being Boring

    Neil Tennant wants to rekindle the romance. ''I'd survive with only memories, if I could change the way I feel,'' the Pet Shop Boys frontman...

  • Life Before Wartime

    ''Berliner Kabarett is like a musical quilt,'' says the show's director Christopher Gallu. ''It's got all these songs that were never intended to be put...

  • South Rising

    Regardless of the geographic realities, there are times when one could be quite sure that the Mason-Dixon Line runs right through the center of our...

  • Strangely Enough

    Patsy Cline's is the first voice heard on the debut, solo-artist album from Sharam Tayebi, one-half of the celebrated D.C. dance duo Deep Dish. Doesn't...

  • Collision Course

    Excelente. Una maravillosa película. Fantástico. And many other superlatives that I no longer remember from high school Spanish. By all standard measures, Sin Nombre should...

  • Squaring Off

    When square-dance devotees talk about this all-American (well, sort of) art form, they're bound to get to the patterns eventually. And why not? From above,...

  • Roller Coasting

    Ah, the '80s. Who doesn't miss the hair, the fashion sense, the music, and the simpler times? James (Jesse Eisenberg) might disagree with that last...

  • Life and Love

    Bob Mould (Photo by Noah Kalina) Bob Mould sounded like he had all but given up on his last album, District Line. ''It's the same...

  • Nice Piaf

    Jil Aigrot Jil Aigrot has become known for singing as Edith Piaf. So perfect is her Piaf, she was tapped to voice the singing portions...

  • Storyteller

    The stoop is a culture all its own. It's a city thing, somehow different than the rural or small-town front porch. It's the original social-networking...

  • Sea-Worthy

    As one familiar with England's wild and windy Norfolk coast, there is much that resonates in the Washington National Opera's production of Benjamin Britten's Peter...

  • Broadway Bebe

    A few years ago, Bebe Neuwirth created an uproarious caricature of conservative firebrand Ann Coulter on Al Franken's Air America radio show. ''I think she...

  • Alphabet Soup

    Jeff Buhrman knows his gay ABCs -- knows them well. And he'll help the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington recite them at everything gAy to...

  • God Damned

    Alas, where to begin? There are but two ways of looking at director Ethan McSweeny's interpretation of Euripides' Ion: It is either a masterpiece of...