Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Attention Shoppers!

    Sometimes a movie is like an ice-cream cone. It's all sweet and sugary goodness, but there's nothing packed into the cone so it cracks and...

  • Express Yourself

    It's not always easy being gay, in the real world or the virtual. But while progress in the everyday world of work, society and relationships...

  • Soundwaves

    Tracy Young D.C.'S YOUNG VALENTINE... Last fall, DJ Tracy Young spun in her hometown of Washington for the first time in way too many years,...

  • Devil's Reign

    Capturing a mood somewhere between Clive Barker's cult-classic Hellraiser and Ken Russell's hilariously creepy Lair of the White Worm, Synetic's no-holds-barred Dante's Divine Comedy is,...

  • Log Cabin Republican

    While it would be a stretch to say that it is the main question on the minds of Washingtonians discussing the re-opening of Ford's Theatre,...

  • Something Wicked

    Pauline Anson-Dross of Wicked Jezabel (Photo by Todd Franson ) Pauline Anson-Dross is ready for Cupid this year. ''Oh yeah, we're feeling the love...

  • Chilly Willy

    The year was 1990. Madonna, decked out in her finest Marie Antoinette drag, hit the stage of the MTV Awards and made a song that...

  • Frame by Frame

    Scene from 'Coraline' In this day and age of CGI-assisted animation, you have to admire the stubborn tenacity (or is that outright insanity?) of those...

  • Hopelessly Undevoted

    Here are the facts of life according to He's Just Not That Into You: Women are pathetic and hopeless in love; the only way to...

  • Flamenco Power

    Miguel Marin helped start the Flamenco Festival in 2000. ''The idea from the beginning was to have a date with Spain,'' the festival's director says...

  • Music Man

    Mark Morris Dance (Photo by Gene Schiavone) As Gene Kelly belts out in Singin' in the Rain, ''Gotta dance!'' Mark Morris does too, but his...

  • Pruned Orchard

    Despite a somewhat charged undercurrent, a plethora of highly-choreographed visuals, and some interesting and solid performances, Washington Shakespeare Company's production of Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard...

  • Out for Blood

    Liam Neeson: 'Taken' If you're going to run off to Paris and get kidnapped, you had better hope that your dad is a former secret...

  • Comic Relief

    When the phrase ''Breakfast at Tiffany's'' is uttered it is almost assured that most will leap to an image of Audrey Hepburn peering into the...

  • Enigmatic Pop

    Antony Hegarty has a voice you won't forget - and a presence you just might not remember. More than probably any other singer-songwriter you've ever...