Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Swept Away

    Just as things reach a feverish, high-pitched frenzy in Noah's Arc: Jumping the Broom, you pray Mary J. Blige will pop up to tell everyone,...

  • Passage to India

    Aniruddhan Vasudevan started dancing when he was 6 years old. Twenty years later, it's become a vocation. ''My family is very interested in the arts,...

  • Soundwaves

    MADONNA'S NEW MARRIAGE... Maybe Madonna will finally come back to D.C. with her next tour, since George W. Bush will no longer be president --...

  • Magnum Opus

    The title of Richard Morel's third artist album is a metaphor for a loss of innocence, and also for a time when huge, irrevocable changes...

  • Bush Whacked

    is Oliver Stone's answer to the George W. Bush administration -- and actually the Bush dynasty as a whole, since Bush 1 makes a series...

  • Soundwaves

    OBAMA POP... The pop stars are coming out loud, proud and in droves for Barack Obama. Of course, that's not really news. It'd be news...

  • Kid Rock

    Altar Boyz is an incredibly funny show. Honest to the big G.O.D. In fact, heartfelt shout out to the Big G.O.D. Dude, thanks for the...

  • Obstructed View

    At the risk of being an uncharitable party-pooper, it must be said that Daniel MacIvor's A Beautiful View doesn't quite cut the proverbial mustard. As...

  • Fading Dream

    Jennifer Hudson says she had no particular concept in mind when developing her debut album. ''I wanted it to show flexibility and versatility,'' she says...

  • Tune Town

    Teenage waist-land:(L to R)Cera, Yoo, Dennings, Jonathan Wright, and Gavron The infamous mix-tape. Admit it, you've made one and given it to a crush. Though...

  • Dancing Duality

    Economic turmoil. War. Chaos and totalitarianism. You think things are bad now? Let the In Series and the Washington Ballet transport you back to a...

  • Wonderful World

    There are two kinds of people in this world. The kind who click on that Gossip Girl blog posting with wild abandon despite the spoiler...

  • Happy Phase

    Ani DiFranco takes a cheap shot as her new album, Red Letter Year, opens. ''And representing the white race, a man with a monkey for...

  • Bloodbath

    Contrary to what the old wives tale would want you to believe, cats do not actually have nine lives. A visit to Google quickly reveals...

  • Lovelorn Lads

    Rich Morel has remixed and played Soft Complex's music at Blowoff. And yet the independent D.C. band remains relatively unknown among gays. ''We typically play...