''I guess I just lost my husband,'' sings Alecia Moore, better known as the pop star Pink, at the top of the first song on...
Despite the fevered grace renowned soprano Renee Fleming brings to the conflicted femme fatale of Donizetti's Lucrezia Borgia, this is one opera that requires more...
In 2003, Will Gartshore crafted a cabaret at Signature Theatre entitled Finding Home, which examined his previously rootless existence between New York and Washington along...
Pearl Bailey died 18 years ago, but her irrepressible spirit has been reincarnated in the body of Roz White -- and Washington is all the...
There was a time when the best parts of movies happened off-screen. The passionate kiss before the scene faded to black. The brilliant plan hatched...
Pornography in the United States is a multi-billion dollar industry and director Kevin Smith is apparently trying to tap some of that revenue stream with...
Scary movies, spooky stories, chilling tales -- Halloween is a time to settle in for a good fright that comes from a horror movie or...
You would hardly need to fall into the ''news junkie'' category to be aware of how ugly the presidential campaign has gotten. Even a recent...
Just as things reach a feverish, high-pitched frenzy in Noah's Arc: Jumping the Broom, you pray Mary J. Blige will pop up to tell everyone,...
Aniruddhan Vasudevan started dancing when he was 6 years old. Twenty years later, it's become a vocation. ''My family is very interested in the arts,...
MADONNA'S NEW MARRIAGE... Maybe Madonna will finally come back to D.C. with her next tour, since George W. Bush will no longer be president --...
The title of Richard Morel's third artist album is a metaphor for a loss of innocence, and also for a time when huge, irrevocable changes...
is Oliver Stone's answer to the George W. Bush administration -- and actually the Bush dynasty as a whole, since Bush 1 makes a series...
OBAMA POP... The pop stars are coming out loud, proud and in droves for Barack Obama. Of course, that's not really news. It'd be news...
Altar Boyz is an incredibly funny show. Honest to the big G.O.D. In fact, heartfelt shout out to the Big G.O.D. Dude, thanks for the...