is Oliver Stone's answer to the George W. Bush administration -- and actually the Bush dynasty as a whole, since Bush 1 makes a series...
There are two kinds of people in this world. The kind who click on that Gossip Girl blog posting with wild abandon despite the spoiler...
Jennifer Hudson says she had no particular concept in mind when developing her debut album. ''I wanted it to show flexibility and versatility,'' she says...
Teenage waist-land:(L to R)Cera, Yoo, Dennings, Jonathan Wright, and Gavron The infamous mix-tape. Admit it, you've made one and given it to a crush. Though...
Economic turmoil. War. Chaos and totalitarianism. You think things are bad now? Let the In Series and the Washington Ballet transport you back to a...
Ani DiFranco takes a cheap shot as her new album, Red Letter Year, opens. ''And representing the white race, a man with a monkey for...
Contrary to what the old wives tale would want you to believe, cats do not actually have nine lives. A visit to Google quickly reveals...
Rich Morel has remixed and played Soft Complex's music at Blowoff. And yet the independent D.C. band remains relatively unknown among gays. ''We typically play...
WHO DO U LOVE... Are you ready? One of gay clubland's favorite singers is returning with new material this fall. Well, yes, Whitney Houston may...
Choke, based on a novel by Chuck Palahniuk, may be tough to swallow, but if you can get it down, it's really worth it. As...
To borrow from Victor/Victoria, Shakespeare Theatre Company's Juliet is a man, pretending to be a woman.... Oh. Wait. That's it. No need to borrow from...
With the Jumbotron extravaganza barely behind us, one must wonder, just a little, why the WNO did not chose this production of Bizet's The Pearl...
For the first few months of her pregnancy, Andrea Askowitz didn't know what was wrong. ''I just felt really anxious and angry and just not...
There are only three groups who should willingly sit through The Women: females who nightly juggle, Haagen Dazs and Lifetime while wrapped in a...
''It's a lot easier to get stuff made for TV than it is for movies,'' says Alan Ball. And he should know: The screenwriter of...