''It's a lot easier to get stuff made for TV than it is for movies,'' says Alan Ball. And he should know: The screenwriter of...
Resurrection, Daniel Beaty's ode to the lives, hearts and souls of five African-American men and a son, is both everything you would expect it to...
In David Mamet's play Squirrels, the character Arthur describes the act of storytelling as going ''From nothing to nothing.... 'Nothing.' Rising action. Climax. Falling action....
Oh, the drama. A would be king takes to a stage dressed in the pageantry of ancient Rome to greet his throngs of loyal followers....
Rihanna WHAT'S SUMMER WITHOUT RIHANNA?... Another summer has come and gone, and Rihanna once again showed her strength as a summer songstress. But for the...
The trick of improvisational theater is taking a few ideas and stitching them together on the fly before an audience. Success can be measured in...
If you think being a gay Republican is a tough dichotomy to reconcile, try being a gay Muslim. In concept, the idea of being gay...
The first thing to note about The Catalyst Theater Company's production of George Orwell's 1984 is that it does not feel like high school. I...
Robin McKelle Remember ''Abracadabra''? The Steve Miller Band's '80s hit was good cheesy pop, but it was less magic trick than novelty act. If you...
YOKO ONO'S PEACE DANCE... In a world coming increasingly unmoored, pleas for peace may seem naïve, but they're also very necessary. Just as she did...
Contemplation of the Post-Industrial Family surely ranks as one of the most indispensable themes of the modern playwright. What writer worth their salt can resist...
Hamlet 2 is blasphemy, pure and simple. And it's not just the musical number ''Rock Me Sexy Jesus'' that's going to have people apoplectic; Shakespeare...
As if high school wasn't hard enough. Imagine a private, Catholic boarding school where two teenage boys fall in love in that familiar ''opposites attract''...
Imagine a summer of love and romance in Barcelona. There would be late nights filled with good wine, soft music and a sexy artist who...
''I feel like there's a lot of ways in which being a composer now is almost more weird than being gay,'' says Nico...