Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Paradise Found

    There's a point where you want to say, ''Enough already!'' For the past several weeks Washington audiences have been running around the metro area seeing...

  • Miller Time

    Anyone lucky enough to see Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman and A View from the Bridge consecutively (and thanks to Arena's Arthur Miller Festival,...

  • Buzz Kill

    For many, memories of high school include at least one late night spent staring at a blank piece of paper (or computer screen) trying to...

  • Screwed Ball

    What is it about the good old days of classic screwball comedies that lure proven, otherwise competent directors? Do they really think they can recapture...

  • Marketing Faith

    If marketed properly, a new recording from George Michael could become another gay anthem. ''I told myself I was straight, but I shouldn't have worried,...

  • History Making

    For lucky students, there is one teacher who touches their minds in a special way that opens the world of knowledge to them and changes...

  • Marathon Man

    The phrase ''he's running a marathon'' is very often followed by ''why?'' Understandably so. Training for and competing in a marathon involves endless hours of...

  • Jazzy Fare

    ''I tell you, 'Charlie Brown' is a big tipper!'' Yvonne Johnson knows just what the crowds like at M Street Bar & Grill. Johnson serves...

  • Hooters Hoedown

    When it comes to hooters, one sort is definitely more gay than the other. The kind that comes with burgers, fries and bright-orange hot pants,...

  • High Rollers

    ''Winner, winner, chicken dinner.'' It's more than hungering for a simple meal that drives a group of MIT students to Vegas every weekend, but it's...

  • The X Spot

    She'll be 40 in just two months, but Kylie Minogue still can't stop reliving her first time. ''The DJ's got me feeling like I did...

  • Hi Tech

    Should you attend any of this weekend's performances by the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, you will upon entry be handed an iPod Shuffle. You don't...

  • Twisted Sister

    There are a lot of surprises in store for readers of Christopher Rice's new novel, Blind Fall, not the least of which is that it's...

  • Web Singer

    Apparently, cherry blossoms weren't enough. It seems everyone wants his own festival. The Kennedy Center is spending the month of March cozying up with August...

  • White Hot

    Once again, Woolly Mammoth courageously enters the realm of black-white relations, this time via up-and-coming playwright David Adjmi's new play Stunning. Much like The Unmentionables,...