In the summer of 2005, HBO's Six Feet Under ended on a haunting note, with its characters' deaths foretold in a montage that un-spooled to...
As the mysterious caller asked the isolated teenager: Do you like scary movies? If you do, then you've probably already seen everything that takes place...
There was a time when Nicole Reynolds didn't know she could sing. The 24-year-old native of Pittsburgh worked behind the scenes of the music industry,...
Before there was Amy Winehouse, there was Sharon Jones. In fact, Winehouse plays the mistress to Ms. Jones. That Mr. Jones Winehouse sings about in...
Life has changed for local singer-songwriter Tom Goss since he appeared suggestively nude on the cover of his debut album Naked Without in 2006. The...
There are those in the theater who will tell you that their ultimate goal is to transport the audience. They will say the greatest success...
Fair? Hardly. This Lady is fabulous. From the first note to the last, My Fair Lady, now in the Kennedy Center Opera House, is a...
Tim's Best Good movies make you cry, or laugh, or jump out of your seat in fear. Sometimes they just make you think. What makes...
GIVING ULTRA IN 2008... It's only days away now, and the excitement is palpable. The year 2008 holds oodles of promise for pop music in...
The most surprising thing about Mary J. Blige's new album, Growing Pains (), isn't that she still gets angry -- and corporeal. She is human...
In today's multi-media world, an album is only one measure of impact, especially in today's pop music scene. Compelling concerts, videos, remixes, covers, cross-promotions --...
Attending a performance of the Washington Shakespeare Company feels a little like getting admitted to a very hip club. Like the hole-in-the-wall bar that always...
It's been said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If that's the case, then Rufus Wainwright's live double-disc recording Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie...
Sweeney Todd It all seems so familiar. The first few notes are reminiscent of a tune you've heard before. Then Edward Scissorhands appears -- he's...
At first glance, Atonement appears to be your garden variety Merchant Ivory-style epic. It begins in the 1935 English countryside, all glowy and green and...