Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Buzz Down Under

    In the summer of 2005, HBO's Six Feet Under ended on a haunting note, with its characters' deaths foretold in a montage that un-spooled to...

  • Creep Show

    As the mysterious caller asked the isolated teenager: Do you like scary movies? If you do, then you've probably already seen everything that takes place...

  • Farm Fresh

    There was a time when Nicole Reynolds didn't know she could sing. The 24-year-old native of Pittsburgh worked behind the scenes of the music industry,...

  • Retrograde

    Before there was Amy Winehouse, there was Sharon Jones. In fact, Winehouse plays the mistress to Ms. Jones. That Mr. Jones Winehouse sings about in...

  • Rising Star

    Life has changed for local singer-songwriter Tom Goss since he appeared suggestively nude on the cover of his debut album Naked Without in 2006. The...

  • Sound and Fury

    There are those in the theater who will tell you that their ultimate goal is to transport the audience. They will say the greatest success...

  • Fairly Perfect

    Fair? Hardly. This Lady is fabulous. From the first note to the last, My Fair Lady, now in the Kennedy Center Opera House, is a...

  • Movie Heaven (and Hell)

    Tim's Best Good movies make you cry, or laugh, or jump out of your seat in fear. Sometimes they just make you think. What makes...

  • Soundwaves

    GIVING ULTRA IN 2008... It's only days away now, and the excitement is palpable. The year 2008 holds oodles of promise for pop music in...

  • Mature Mary

    The most surprising thing about Mary J. Blige's new album, Growing Pains (), isn't that she still gets angry -- and corporeal. She is human...

  • Pop Maestros

    In today's multi-media world, an album is only one measure of impact, especially in today's pop music scene. Compelling concerts, videos, remixes, covers, cross-promotions --...

  • Daredevils

    Attending a performance of the Washington Shakespeare Company feels a little like getting admitted to a very hip club. Like the hole-in-the-wall bar that always...

  • Friend of Judy

    It's been said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If that's the case, then Rufus Wainwright's live double-disc recording Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie...

  • Human Remains

    Sweeney Todd It all seems so familiar. The first few notes are reminiscent of a tune you've heard before. Then Edward Scissorhands appears -- he's...

  • Intimate Encounters

    At first glance, Atonement appears to be your garden variety Merchant Ivory-style epic. It begins in the 1935 English countryside, all glowy and green and...