Phew! We can all breathe a big, collective sigh of relief now that the writers' strike has come to an end. It means -- yes!...
Get up close and personal with small ensembles, consisting of quartets and quintets, of the D.C. Different Drummers during its upcoming concert, Intimate Winds: Beautiful...
All That I Will Ever Be starts with possibly the most insipid act to be found in one of the most stereotypically superficial cities in...
GRAMMY'S ''LOVESTONED'' DANCE MOVES... This year's Grammy Awards may have been dominated by Amy Winehouse singing from rehab (no, no, no: just via satellite from...
You know you want to be a rock star, whether you're the type who sings in the shower, plays some surreptitious air guitar or taps...
Try as you might, you can't taste or smell Goldfrapp just listening to the British duo's music. You can't literally touch it, either. But even...
''I would someday love to write a great love ballad,'' says jazz singer-songwriter Felicia Carter, appearing this weekend at Twins Jazz on U Street. ''Somehow...
k.d. lang is getting old. Does that sound like a bad thing? The 46-year-old doesn't think so. In press notes to her new album Watershed,...
One might not think of ''cowboy music'' when thinking of great American composers. But that's what the Rock Creek Singers, 24 vocalists composing an ensemble...
ANNIE'S PAVEMENT CRACKS... Once dubbed the ''Greatest White Soul Singer Alive'' by VH1, Annie Lennox has now been dumped on like so many soul singers...
There are those days when you look up from whatever pile of paper has spread like a cup of spilled coffee across your desk only...
Michelle Burleson didn't choose to become a songwriter. It chose her. She can't explain why it happened, but it was sometime in between admiring the...
Perhaps everyone who goes to see Over Her Dead Body will leave the theater believing themselves psychic, because it's impossible not to see every plot...
Three songs into Bob Mould's compelling new album, it sounds like he's giving up. As if he's not even going to bother finishing the song...
Over at Woolly Mammoth, sisters are doing it for themselves. The risk-taking downtown theater company has literally packed the house with two one-woman shows. Nilaja...