Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Choosing Oscar

    Phew! We can all breathe a big, collective sigh of relief now that the writers' strike has come to an end. It means -- yes!...

  • Wondrous Winds

    Get up close and personal with small ensembles, consisting of quartets and quintets, of the D.C. Different Drummers during its upcoming concert, Intimate Winds: Beautiful...

  • Superficial Ball

    All That I Will Ever Be starts with possibly the most insipid act to be found in one of the most stereotypically superficial cities in...

  • Soundwaves

    GRAMMY'S ''LOVESTONED'' DANCE MOVES... This year's Grammy Awards may have been dominated by Amy Winehouse singing from rehab (no, no, no: just via satellite from...

  • Can't Stop the Music

    You know you want to be a rock star, whether you're the type who sings in the shower, plays some surreptitious air guitar or taps...

  • Striking Gold

    Try as you might, you can't taste or smell Goldfrapp just listening to the British duo's music. You can't literally touch it, either. But even...

  • Bittersweet Valentine

    ''I would someday love to write a great love ballad,'' says jazz singer-songwriter Felicia Carter, appearing this weekend at Twins Jazz on U Street. ''Somehow...

  • Shadowland

    k.d. lang is getting old. Does that sound like a bad thing? The 46-year-old doesn't think so. In press notes to her new album Watershed,...

  • Masterpiece Theater

    One might not think of ''cowboy music'' when thinking of great American composers. But that's what the Rock Creek Singers, 24 vocalists composing an ensemble...

  • Soundwaves

    ANNIE'S PAVEMENT CRACKS... Once dubbed the ''Greatest White Soul Singer Alive'' by VH1, Annie Lennox has now been dumped on like so many soul singers...

  • Time Passages

    There are those days when you look up from whatever pile of paper has spread like a cup of spilled coffee across your desk only...

  • Writing Lessons

    Michelle Burleson didn't choose to become a songwriter. It chose her. She can't explain why it happened, but it was sometime in between admiring the...

  • Death Unbecomes Her

    Perhaps everyone who goes to see Over Her Dead Body will leave the theater believing themselves psychic, because it's impossible not to see every plot...

  • Musical Therapy

    Three songs into Bob Mould's compelling new album, it sounds like he's giving up. As if he's not even going to bother finishing the song...

  • Acts of Bravery

    Over at Woolly Mammoth, sisters are doing it for themselves. The risk-taking downtown theater company has literally packed the house with two one-woman shows. Nilaja...