''Life should be sweet.'' So says Rose, mother of Mort, mother-in-law to Bev, grandmother of Fern and Sandra. It's that simple. As elderly Rose slowly...
Since March 10, the tone at Long View Gallery (1302 Ninth St. NW; 202-232-4788) has been set by painter Gerard Erley, whose show Poetic Landscape...
''Ten minutes into the play, the audience leans forward and they never lean back. In 30 years of doing theater, I've never seen a play...
For the past dozen or so Sundays, Steven Scott Mazzola has journeyed into the Land of Oz. It's a trip that has evolved, deepened and...
When Diana Ross crooned her immortal ''Love Hangover,'' she probably didn't have a waitress and short-order cook in mind. But who hasn't felt that dreamy...
You might be a girly man if... you spent a recent morning at work listening to the Dixie Chicks. ''We were just listening to them...
Lucinda Williams put her faith in a lover who ''looked right into my eyes, said I'm not like the other guys.'' But her lover lied...
Lots of hot, sweaty, buff, nearly-naked men. Do you need more convincing to run out and see 300? If so, consider this: It's a visually...
EVOLVE-ING INTO IRRELEVANCE... Victor Calderone waxes nostalgic about clubbing days past on his just-released compilation, Evolve. ''When I look back into the days, the better...
It's hard to be the pussycat -- especially when you know that your gay audience is going to be comparing you to Babs. So if...
You may have heard that a Scissor Sisters show is exercise in energy -- if you're not ready to dance in the aisles, why bother?...
First off, an important disclaimer about Black Snake Moan. The snakes are metaphorical -- they did not follow Samuel L. Jackson off the plane. In...
Like a colorful circus poster come to life, the Kennedy Center's production of Bob Merrill's Carnival! leaps with song, dance, magic and an abundance of...
Erin McKeown's latest album launches a bit ominously, with her shouting, ''Hallelujah, all you sinners gather round...just follow me.'' It becomes easy enough to do,...
The short life of Sarah Kane is one of those stories that are equal parts artistic legend and unredeemable tragedy. An aspiring actress, Kane gradually...