Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Secret Stories

    ''Life should be sweet.'' So says Rose, mother of Mort, mother-in-law to Bev, grandmother of Fern and Sandra. It's that simple. As elderly Rose slowly...

  • Erley Light

    Since March 10, the tone at Long View Gallery (1302 Ninth St. NW; 202-232-4788) has been set by painter Gerard Erley, whose show Poetic Landscape...

  • Cherry Smash

    ''Ten minutes into the play, the audience leans forward and they never lean back. In 30 years of doing theater, I've never seen a play...

  • Return to Oz

    For the past dozen or so Sundays, Steven Scott Mazzola has journeyed into the Land of Oz. It's a trip that has evolved, deepened and...

  • Night in the City

    When Diana Ross crooned her immortal ''Love Hangover,'' she probably didn't have a waitress and short-order cook in mind. But who hasn't felt that dreamy...

  • Harmonic Convergence

    You might be a girly man if... you spent a recent morning at work listening to the Dixie Chicks. ''We were just listening to them...

  • Femme Virtuosos

    Lucinda Williams put her faith in a lover who ''looked right into my eyes, said I'm not like the other guys.'' But her lover lied...

  • The Buff Stuff

    Lots of hot, sweaty, buff, nearly-naked men. Do you need more convincing to run out and see 300? If so, consider this: It's a visually...

  • Soundwaves

    EVOLVE-ING INTO IRRELEVANCE... Victor Calderone waxes nostalgic about clubbing days past on his just-released compilation, Evolve. ''When I look back into the days, the better...

  • Pussycat Doll

    It's hard to be the pussycat -- especially when you know that your gay audience is going to be comparing you to Babs. So if...

  • Mister Sister

    You may have heard that a Scissor Sisters show is exercise in energy -- if you're not ready to dance in the aisles, why bother?...

  • Snake on a Chain

    First off, an important disclaimer about Black Snake Moan. The snakes are metaphorical -- they did not follow Samuel L. Jackson off the plane. In...

  • Step Right Up!

    Like a colorful circus poster come to life, the Kennedy Center's production of Bob Merrill's Carnival! leaps with song, dance, magic and an abundance of...

  • Modern Makeovers

    Erin McKeown's latest album launches a bit ominously, with her shouting, ''Hallelujah, all you sinners gather round...just follow me.'' It becomes easy enough to do,...

  • Nonstop Assault

    The short life of Sarah Kane is one of those stories that are equal parts artistic legend and unredeemable tragedy. An aspiring actress, Kane gradually...