Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Boys on Film

    What The History Boys is about, exactly, is open to some interpretation. A theater enthusiast might simply offer that, during its Broadway run this year,...

  • Scatter Pop

    It is the best of albums, it is the worst of albums. With apologies to Charles Dickens, never before has there been a more polarizing...

  • Destiny's Child

    An adoring, profanity-laced love note to the fans who helped push Jack Black up the stairway to fame, Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny...

  • New Traditions

    As a self-described Scrooge, I always applied that label to myself without actually knowing the full story of Charles Dickens's classic A Christmas Carol: A...

  • Stage Fright

    There are any number of ways to have an enjoyable evening when attending Legends! at The National Theatre. You can walk down memory lane, reading...

  • Soundwaves

    Mika FREDDIE MERCURY'S SPAWN: MIKA... George Michael. Robbie Williams. Elton John. Scissor Sisters. Up-and-coming pop sensation Mika channels those four contemporary artists, among many others....

  • Memory Lane

    Moms and memories take center stage this year as part of the musical reminiscing on past holidays that makes up the 26th annual holiday concert...

  • With Feeling

    Andrew Hudson's life has always revolved around art. The native of Birmingham, England, who ended up in Washington in 1965, has painted, studied, taught and...

  • Unfinished Restoration

    If it were a musical, maybe I would love it. But as it stands, Michael Kahn's premiere of the recently adapted The Beaux' Stratagem is...

  • Rough Ride

    Studio Theatre's The Long Christmas Ride Home is, most certainly, long. What begins as a visually-arresting narrative becomes disjointed as the wonderful bond created with...

  • Strong Bond

    For all the public furor Bond fans made when Pierce Brosnan was shelved after 2002's Die Another Day, only to be replaced for Casino Royale...

  • Unwelcome Guest

    Sometimes you slip on a banana peel and the results produce laughter. Other times you slip and wind up in traction, taking meds for the...

  • Holiday Trip

    Ah, the holidays, a time when all the old theatrical chestnuts come out. There's The Nutcracker and A Christmas Carol. And don't forget this other...

  • Homo Hop

    Cazwell is not your typical rapper. As far as we know, Eminem has never admitted to masturbating via webcam, or to liking foreskin. Sure, maybe...

  • Life Savers

    While art may be famously hard to define, in the case of Art for Life it's easy to define it as a lifesaver. Over 12...