Early in The Break-Up, Brooke Meyers (Jennifer Aniston) asks her boyfriend, Gary Grobowski (Vince Vaughn), to help with the dishes after a dinner party. Absorbed...
During an interview on the public radio program Studio 360, Daniel Clowes, known (at least to some) as the creator of Ghost World and Ice...
''Forgive, sounds good. Forget, I'm not sure I could.'' Thus begins ''Not Ready to Make Nice,'' the defiant first single from the Dixie Chicks' new...
Call it parallel reality, call it a bizarro universe, call it whatever you'd like, but no one calls the shots better than Stephen Sondheim holding...
What's the first thing to comes to mind when you think of ''gay music''? Maybe the sound of a gay men's chorus, or the pounding...
McKellen as 'Magneto' (3rd from left) and Janssen as 'Phoenix' (far right) X-Men: The Last Stand, the third installment in the ultra-popular movie series based...
When Julia Nixon wails out a note, time stands still. It isn't enough that her Caroline Thibodeaux is able to convey world-weary pain through all...
The Pale Blue Eye Your first reaction upon hearing that Louis Bayard, author of the very successful Mr. Timothy (where he raised the literary spirit...
''Forgive me, but I don't follow.'' So says Mary, one of Eric Overmyer's three time-traveling dames in On the Verge or the Geography of Yearning,...
Well, they've gone and done it. They've stripped the ''adventure'' out of The Poseidon Adventure, leaving, fittingly enough, just Poseidon. That's not to say Wolfgang...
Belmares ALEGRIA BY ANOTHER NAME... Roland Belmares has spun for party promoter and former DC resident Ric Sena before, at Sena's Alegria in New York,...
Captivating: Borodina(Photo by Karin Cooper) Bubbly buoyancy brings the Washington National Opera season to a close in a nicely-conceived high-energy production of Rossini's L'Italiana in...
Mission: Impossible III should end with a warning: ''This movie will self-destruct in 5 seconds.'' I'm not kidding. Five seconds after leaving the big kickoff...
Take a beautiful sunset as seen from the Kennedy Center balcony, add a warm wind off the Potomac, throw in a glass of bubbly, and...
Stop me if you've heard this one before: An Irishman, an Englishman and an American are kidnapped and tossed together in a dark and dirty...