Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Independent Spirit

    It's always gratifying to watch independent filmmakers -- at least those with talent -- reach a point where they're working within the Hollywood system (meaning...

  • One Act Wonders

    It's summertime in D.C., which means humidity reminding us that we are a city built on swampland and the Metro bulging with tourists trying to...

  • Soundwaves

    VIRGIN'S KILLERS, SISTERS AND DJS... The headliners are the Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Who, and tickets are a steep $97.50. But chances are...

  • Swishbuckling

    When Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl drifted into theaters three summers ago, few -- least of all myself -- expected it...

  • Spiritless Pop

    Even on LOGO, the nascent gay-focused digital cable channel, the sight of Jason Warner and deMarco DeCiccio cuddling, canoodling and cavorting is a bit shocking....

  • Soundwaves

    TRIBAL'S TRIBULATIONS... Nearly a year ago Billboard's dance music columnist proclaimed the reign of tribal house over clubland to be mainly in Spain... er, sorry,...

  • Familiar Terrain

    Augusten Burroughs is that guy -- that guy who was the star quarterback back in high school, didn't play in college and now lives in...

  • Little Miseries

    Just so you know, I never read Little Women as a child. And I haven't read it as an adult, either. Not that the adventures...

  • Soundwaves

    POST-PRIDE OUT ANTHEMS... Gay Pride Month may have already come and gone, but gay anthems have a long shelf life, so you'll get at least...

  • Fashion Statement

    I can honestly say that, in all my years in journalism, I've never encountered an editor like Miranda Priestly, the powerful wicked witch at the...

  • Strangely Familiar

    Throw out the name ''Sedaris'' in the community and the gay writer David is often who pops into people's minds. But his older, straight sister,...

  • Soundwaves

    ''PATIENCE'' AND ''FAITH''… George Michael's first tour in 15 years, scheduled for the fall across Europe, has been met with such high demand that his...

  • Pure Fabrication

    How might Pablo Picasso, ''the world's greatest artist,'' eat a log of sausage? Well, as portrayed by Mitchell Hébert in the emotionally sterile Picasso's Closet,...

  • Hero's Welcome

    It's been quite some time, Superman, but now that you're once again among us, let me be among the first to say, welcome back. And...

  • Teacher's Pet

    Perhaps it was spending formidable childhood years in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius that helped mold Michael Russotto's tastes -- as a Navy brat living...