On the heels of last year's Greatest Hits 1994-2004, country tomboy Terri Clark wastes no time in releasing the aptly-titled Life Goes On. Consisting primarily...
The weather may be turning cold, but one organization is bringing some heat to the season. Just in time for the new year, Brother, Help...
You don't have to be an rabid fan of Jane Austen to fully appreciate the romantic rush of the newly minted film version of Pride...
It was a gay night at the movies as the Human Rights Campaign and guests descended upon the Loews Cineplex in Georgetown for an advance...
GET INTO THE GROOVE... She's back! Well, Madonna was never really missing in gay clubland of course -- no other contemporary singer has even half...
You might not recognize it at first, but hidden beneath the painted puffy clouds that peek through a tall pink llama, behind Groucho Marx mugging...
As you might guess by the name, Jason Walker is not a big black woman. He, in fact, is not a she, of any size...
''I love magic,'' beams Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) at the start of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. By the movie's end, however, Harry...
Thanks in no small part to the success of 2002's Chicago, the movie musical genre is back in business. Case in point: The Tony Award-winning...
Christmas Angel: Heredia (center), with Rapp and Pascal One hundred thirty five minutes of my life wasted. One...
It isn't so much Eartha Kitt's sultry version of ''Lazy Afternoon'' that should have inspired S.M. Shephard-Massat to pen Starving, but the aching lyrics of...
Rob Vander Zee creates images that may elicit a number of different responses. He offers landscapes sensual and serene. Pensive portraits may leave a viewer...
Goldfrapp GOLDFRAPP RELEASES EP... Madonna name-checked them in a recent Billboard interview, and that can only help U.K. electronica duo Goldfrapp gain more attention in...
EURYTHMICS REIGN AGAIN... Annie Lennox is back, and in a way that's so much more than just a sweet dream, though it's that too. So,...
She's the delicious demon of a character everyone loves to hate, most especially gay men. Think Tori Spelling as Sally Bowles, Norma Desmond as Holly...