Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Magic Show

    ''I love magic,'' beams Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) at the start of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. By the movie's end, however, Harry...

  • Broadway Rhapsody

    Thanks in no small part to the success of 2002's Chicago, the movie musical genre is back in business. Case in point: The Tony Award-winning...

  • Squatter's Squalor

    Christmas Angel: Heredia (center), with Rapp and Pascal One hundred thirty five minutes of my life wasted. One...

  • Full House

    It isn't so much Eartha Kitt's sultry version of ''Lazy Afternoon'' that should have inspired S.M. Shephard-Massat to pen Starving, but the aching lyrics of...

  • Zee and Be Seen

    Rob Vander Zee creates images that may elicit a number of different responses. He offers landscapes sensual and serene. Pensive portraits may leave a viewer...

  • Soundwaves

    Goldfrapp GOLDFRAPP RELEASES EP... Madonna name-checked them in a recent Billboard interview, and that can only help U.K. electronica duo Goldfrapp gain more attention in...

  • Soundwaves

    EURYTHMICS REIGN AGAIN... Annie Lennox is back, and in a way that's so much more than just a sweet dream, though it's that too. So,...

  • Queen Bee

    She's the delicious demon of a character everyone loves to hate, most especially gay men. Think Tori Spelling as Sally Bowles, Norma Desmond as Holly...

  • High Note

    Could Madonna's latest studio album, Confessions on a Dance Floor, be her swansong to music-making? It's hard to imagine, and she also hasn't said as...

  • Cashing In

    The problem with Walk the Line, the new biopic opening on Friday about the life of country music legend Johnny Cash, isn't Joaquin Phoenix --...

  • Marine Life

    I've never been a big fan of war movies. (For that matter, I've never been a big fan of war.) But as a genre, they...

  • Rainbow's End

    You can't blame Alex Sanchez for having mixed feelings as he promotes the final novel in his gay teen trilogy, Rainbow Road. His books have...

  • Time Again

    Cyndi Lauper scored her first hit with ''Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,'' but only the faithful would have predicted then that she would still be...

  • Back to the Future

    The expectations are as high as a towering Manhattan skyscraper. After such successful local productions of Take Me Out and The Dazzle, the area premiere...

  • Gaul Fodder

    The self-referential, Charlie Kaufman-esque twist to The Dying Gaul, opening Friday at Landmark's E Street Cinema, is the somewhat astounding fact that the movie was...