A rarely-staged tale of political and emotional rebellion, I Vespri Siciliani should be an operatic tour de force. Verdi takes us to one emotional crescendo...
Lauper SHE BOPS, WE BOP AGAIN... Would you believe Cyndi Lauper has only had one No. 1 club hit? Of course you know which one:...
MCLACHLAN'S LINGERING AFTERGLOW... Now two years old, Sarah McLachlan's ''World On Fire'' takes on new meaning in a post-Hurricane Katrina world, when so many of...
You may have heard by now that it's a play about many things. It's a play about Christians depicting the enduring passion play and the...
It may not be fair to her, but Juliet's debut album Random Order in all likelihood serves as a window into how Madonna's next album...
CELEBRATING THE ''COPACABANA''... This past Sunday ushered in the annual Brazilian Day Festival in New York, honoring Brazil's independence from Portugal. But Tommy Boy is...
Jess Goldstein must have a thing for leather. His stylized visions of Iago and Othello as two Italian studs bedecked in long, shiny leather jackets...
I think I'm in love with Peter Paddington. And not just because he reminds me of the overweight, under-popular, 13-year-old me. Pitiful, loveable and innocently...
When Moisés Kaufman cobbled together all of the manuscripts, poems, witness testimony, biographical accounts and fictional literature that culminates in Gross Indecency: The Three Trials...
In the latest edition of Entertainment Weekly, Terry Gilliam bellyaches about the poor quality of today's movies, in the process singling out Steven Spielberg and...
In 2002, nearly every major entertainment magazine singled out the Norwegian duo Röyksopp as a dance/electronica band to watch, producers of what so many hailed...
Nobody spins better, or with more superheroic grace, than Lynda Carter. Indeed, for her latest role in Sky High, Carter -- forever revered as the...
Let's get this out of the way right up front: Urinetown is not what you think it is. Despite whatever tawdry, profane images your mind...
In 1996 Bernadette Peters made her solo concert debut in New York City. Peters, 48 at the time, was well more than two decades into...
KNAPP'S ''SOAKIN WET'' REPRISE... Just last weekend, many D.C. dance denizens got soaking wet playing in the rain and the thundershowers in New York. The...