Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Vocal Prowess

    A rarely-staged tale of political and emotional rebellion, I Vespri Siciliani should be an operatic tour de force. Verdi takes us to one emotional crescendo...

  • Soundwaves

    Lauper SHE BOPS, WE BOP AGAIN... Would you believe Cyndi Lauper has only had one No. 1 club hit? Of course you know which one:...

  • Soundwaves

    MCLACHLAN'S LINGERING AFTERGLOW... Now two years old, Sarah McLachlan's ''World On Fire'' takes on new meaning in a post-Hurricane Katrina world, when so many of...

  • Imitation of Life

    You may have heard by now that it's a play about many things. It's a play about Christians depicting the enduring passion play and the...

  • Random Happening

    It may not be fair to her, but Juliet's debut album Random Order in all likelihood serves as a window into how Madonna's next album...

  • Soundwaves

    CELEBRATING THE ''COPACABANA''... This past Sunday ushered in the annual Brazilian Day Festival in New York, honoring Brazil's independence from Portugal. But Tommy Boy is...

  • Love and Marriage

    Jess Goldstein must have a thing for leather. His stylized visions of Iago and Othello as two Italian studs bedecked in long, shiny leather jackets...

  • Fresh Fruit

    I think I'm in love with Peter Paddington. And not just because he reminds me of the overweight, under-popular, 13-year-old me. Pitiful, loveable and innocently...

  • History's Lessons

    When Moisés Kaufman cobbled together all of the manuscripts, poems, witness testimony, biographical accounts and fictional literature that culminates in Gross Indecency: The Three Trials...

  • Disenchantment

    In the latest edition of Entertainment Weekly, Terry Gilliam bellyaches about the poor quality of today's movies, in the process singling out Steven Spielberg and...

  • Merry Melody

    In 2002, nearly every major entertainment magazine singled out the Norwegian duo Röyksopp as a dance/electronica band to watch, producers of what so many hailed...

  • Wondrous Woman

    Nobody spins better, or with more superheroic grace, than Lynda Carter. Indeed, for her latest role in Sky High, Carter -- forever revered as the...

  • Pee Town

    Let's get this out of the way right up front: Urinetown is not what you think it is. Despite whatever tawdry, profane images your mind...

  • Peters Principle

    In 1996 Bernadette Peters made her solo concert debut in New York City. Peters, 48 at the time, was well more than two decades into...

  • Soundwaves

    KNAPP'S ''SOAKIN WET'' REPRISE... Just last weekend, many D.C. dance denizens got soaking wet playing in the rain and the thundershowers in New York. The...