Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Chef's Best

    Missy Elliott isn't a chef, but she plays one on her new CD. Comparing music to food is one of the more overused clichés around...

  • Candy Corn

    No everlasting gobstopper here: Depp confers with Roy I've heard from friends and readers that I was far too hard on Batman Begins. Perhaps, but...

  • Circular Logic

    On paper, Bertolt Brecht's plays don't always settle well. Generally his works read like a gravelly stew simmered with tough hunks of meat and not...

  • Fantastic Flop

    The Fantastic Four ain't. Bet you saw that train coming a mile away. But this train wreck of a superhero movie is very much a...

  • Twin Peaks

    Another indie-rock act might rebel at being lumped with and compared to Avril Lavigne or Ashlee Simpson. But not Tegan and Sara. ''We're like, 'Oh...

  • Soundwaves

    ERASURE'S ''BLUE'' BELL... Nearly one year ago it was reported that Erasure's Andy Bell would be responsible for two new albums, and both were expected...

  • Getting a Woody

    Everyone knows Woody Allen, whether you realize it or not. And whether you want to admit it or not, he's a pretty funny guy. Despite...

  • Martian Law

    ''Take care of our kids,'' Mary Ann Ferrier says, somewhat warily, to ex-husband Ray as she drops them off before heading up to Boston for...

  • Glamour-Puss

    The star -- the real star -- of The Osbournes wasn't the aging rocker who attracted MTV to launch that reality series in the first...

  • Disenchanted

    You know a romantic comedy is in trouble when the funniest line uttered is ''Hey there, I have Hepatitis C!'' It may not seem all...

  • Skin Show

    Let's get this out of the way. For those of you who attend gay films to see an abundance of sex and nudity and are...

  • Unlucky Charms

    They don't call it the Land of Ire for nothing. While the stereotype of redheaded leprechauns with a short fuse chugging brew at the end...

  • Batting Zero

    Origin of the species: Bale as Batman Maybe I'm getting long in the tooth. Maybe I lack the inner-fanboy spirit. Maybe I've seen this same...

  • He Sang, She Sang

    Anyone who has survived a devastating breakup or divorce can relate to The Last Five Years, a veritable ''he said, she said'' of events that...

  • Soundwaves

    Pussycat Dolls SONG OF THE SUMMER, ALREADY OVERPLAYED…If you've been out even once in the past couple weeks, you know the song. Don't cha? ''Don't...