Nestled among the woods of Gilead, Wisc. rests the Spitfire Grill, a cozy little nook where the owner always knows where you want to sit...
The boys -- and girls -- in blue are in for some crime-fighting help. Superhero Surge and his blazing-blue ''battle suit '' are headed for...
MISS JACKSON, IF YOU DANCE... They may still generate headlines, but neither Michael Jackson nor Janet Jackson have gotten much ink for their music in...
Moby is as much a marketer as a musician. Six years ago his songs were ubiquitous as the soundtrack to television commercials -- he helped...
Remember those black packets filled with the sugary-sweet concoction of tiny stone-like candies that you pop in your mouth and they sizzle, fizzle, crackle and...
Sam Harris took a few small steps toward activism last year, and lost some fans in the process. Still, he says the activism song he...
With much of last week's Oscar buzz going to the major categories, it's easy to miss the notable -- and in some cases, noble --...
More than 20 years into her career, the voice of Vanessa Williams remains the same marvelous honey-glazed icing that made her shift from defrocked beauty...
Fans who tend to go on and on about what a great horror director Wes Craven is conveniently tend to forget about Deadly Friend, a...
If you listen to just one randomly chosen song by the Thievery Corporation, you might think the musical duo is from, among other places, Jamaica,...
Her rich contralto hooks the audience the moment she hits her first note. But it is Suede's playful, charismatic stage presence that keeps them engaged...
AWARDS! AWARDS! AWARDS!... Despite what you might otherwise think, awards season is still upon us. Later this month the leading dance music awards will be...
Innocuous entertainment. That's how, if pressed, I would describe Constantine, another comic book-to-screen adaptation that is, at the very least, visually interesting for its two-hour...
Contrary to the implication of its title, MetroStage's The All Night Strut! doesn't last all night long -- though at several of its most sparkling...
LYDIA'S FRESH CIRCUIT SOUND... Lydia Prim makes a good point in the liner notes to her latest circuit party compilation, Party Groove: Blue Ball Vol....