The Incredibles is just that: incredible. It's also phenomenal, magnificent, exuberantly entertaining, and just about any other positive adjective you can think of. From the...
SOFT CELL SINGER HOSPITALIZED... Nearly two weeks ago Soft Cell singer Marc Almond suffered serious head injuries in a life-threatening motorcycle accident in London. Almond,...
There's no denying The Grudge is, at moments, a very scary movie. It uses every trick to startle you, tingle your spine, and occasionally gross...
Have you ever returned home after being out of town for a while -- days, maybe weeks -- and felt as though the whole world...
''Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart left a legacy of over 550 songs, which included eight movies and eight Broadway musicals,'' says Jeff Buhrman, Artistic Director...
Team America: World Police is screamingly, achingly funny. It's the kind of movie that repeatedly hits a comic high note and holds it for a...
One hundred thousand dollars. That's the goal attempting to be met at this year's Art for Life Auction. The eleventh annual function, which benefits the...
Watching Nilo Cruz's illustrious Anna in the Tropics as a born and bred native of the Tampa Bay area is brutal. But to anyone who...
Andrea Martin has never seen Hello, Dolly! ''I guess I'm the only person in the world who has never seen that musical,'' says the actress...
Richard Morel partners in a local legendary dance music producing/songwriting duo, records with his five-piece band for a highly regarded dance music label, and creates...
Drinking a delicious, slushy smoothie is a delightful thing. Marketing it to the masses is a whole other bowl of fruit. And that's just what...
KYLIE'S SLOW BLOW… Kylie Minogue never toured with her most recent album, Body Language. Was she just too lazy, or too aloof, or too uninspired...
''Is Shark Tale a sequel to Finding Nemo?'' a friend inquired after learning I'd seen the movie. ''No,'' I replied, ''it's a rip-off.'' At least...
Back when Steven Brinberg was in high school, his father confronted him with something he'd found in the boy's bedroom. ''This tape of Barbra Streisand...
''I am her father, '' booms the familiar sub-bass voice that immediately conjures up sci-fi scenes teeming with Jedi fighters. ''Ethel's her mummy, and I'm...