Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Parent Trap

    When Woolly Mammoth issues the caveat ''For Mature Audiences, '' they're not kidding. Ian Cohen's shockingly outlandish comedy Lenny & Lou is about as ''adult...

  • Broadway Baby

    The lyrical zinger from the Pulitzer Prize-winning musical Fiorello stings today in a way it didn't half a century ago when it was written: ''And...

  • Ladies Night

    In case you didn't know, there's a great little feminist theater group here in our nation's capital that produces great little works of theater in...

  • Swept Away

    Aloha, little brahs! Hawaiian coming of age brightens a beach afternoon Okay, okay, so I'm not a poet. But I do know good writing when...

  • Soundwaves

    DJ Twisted Dee DEE'S DANCE TWIST... Denise Gurney, who goes by DJ Twisted Dee, is making a name for herself by going against the grain....

  • Alien Wear

    The question you have to ask yourself with regard to Alien Vs. Predator is why 20th Century Fox would hand over to Paul W.S. Anderson...

  • Idol Fever

    American Idol fever seems to have hit its peak in Washington: Last season's finalists appear at the MCI Center this Sunday, Aug. 22. And Simon...

  • Soundwaves

    XTINA & MISSSY'S DISCO WASH… Three years after they made sweet marmalade together, Christina Aguilera and Missy Elliott are back. This time, they'll cover the...

  • Not So Chummy

    Question: What's so scary about watching two people float around in the ocean for an hour or so? Answer: Nothing. In theory, a pair of...

  • Pure Bliss

    They just don't make good instinct like they used to. Most contemporary (read: young) actors trained in the modern theater demonstrate an annoyingly affected air...

  • Tower of Bebel

    Bebel Gilberto is not ''The Girl from Ipanema. '' Not quite: Gilberto was born nearly 40 years ago in New York and raised in Rio...

  • Soundwaves

    POP'S SWINGING POLITICS… As recently as April, it seemed that save for a couple hip-hop impresarios it would be the usual four-year counterculture rumbling: an...

  • Soundwaves

    THE CURE AND MODERN-DAY REMEDIES… The Cure may be the headliner -- the chief reason most people would consider going, and more to the point...

  • Into the Woods

    I don't mean to sound boastful, but I figured out The Village's big twist a few days before actually seeing the movie. While it was...

  • 'Manchurian Candidate'

    Jonathan Demme's choice of material has been a little bizarre as of late. His remake of the strangely winsome yet slightly edgy Audrey Hepburn-Cary Grant...