Metro Weekly

Arts + Entertainment

  • Gay for Play

    In 1948, eighteen-year-old Minnesota farmboys Gil and Ray are engaged in a passionate, secret love affair. But their relationship is exposed, and they face tough...

  • Xstacy

    Bryan Singer's gone and done it again -- created an emotionally rousing, smart and sophisticated movie based on a comic book. And the amazing thing...

  • Soundwaves

    Last week, I gave away a lot of my time and attention to Madonna. (Oops! I've done it again, with this column.) But then you,...

  • Modern Moves

    Deborah Riley is a woman, a dancer, a lesbian. If, therefore, she leads a modern dance company consisting exclusively of women, it only stands to...

  • Faux Folk

    A Mighty Wind is a glorious symphony of satire, hitting one perfect note after another. Info Box Kissing to be clever:Levy and O'Hara A Mighty...

  • Not to Bee

    The preciousness quotient runs pretty high throughout a metaphor-laden tale of an invisible gay man  Odd couple: Lee and Jackson Photo: Edu. Bernadino The fanciful...

  • Soundwaves

    IN DA CLUB BABYLON... Finally, we can tell you all about the Queer as Folk Babylon Tour. (I just know you were waiting with bated...

  • Wilde Kingdom

    The young Synetic Theater over-tinkers with a biblical tale of depraved passion   Salomé Femme fatale: Irina Tsikurishvili (Photo by Stan Barouh) The buzz on Synetic...

  • Third Time Around

    Rick Hammerly ''And the award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Resident Musical goes to...Rick Hammerly.'' If those words are spoken from the podium at...

  • High Infidelity

    I kissed a girl: McDormand In film after film, Frances McDormand proves herself to be one of our most infinitely enjoyable actors. From her compelling...

  • Questions We'd Never Ask a Real Lady

    This Saturday, April 12, the sensational Varla Jean Merman will present her latest show, I've Got the Music in Me, at the Carnegie Institute, 1530...

  • When a Sniper Calls

    Calling Cad: Farrell with Nobbs Phone Booth opens with a flashy tech-infested sequence littered with jittery, fast-motion images of people on their cell phones. Meanwhile...

  • Spooky Sondheim

    At Signature, a ravishingly sad and dark world where past and present collide, and regret hangs thick in the air Time travelers: Gartshore, Olivera, MacLaughlin...

  • Cleared for Departure

    Art Alexakis laments the state of the world while continuing to radiate a self-imposed superiority ''Everclear? Is that you? My god, I haven't seen you...

  • Faust's Pact

    Photo by Michael Wichita Ex-lovers -- they can be a plague on your romantic life, or be your best friends. But whether you cross to...